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You can install and reuse CK modules as follows:
 ck pull repo:{Repo UOA - see below}
 ck help {module UOA - see below}
You can check a JSON API of a given action of a given module as follows:
 ck {module action - see below} {module UOA} --help
You can add your own dummy CK module as follows:
 ck add module:{my module alias}
You can add a new action to the CK module as follows:
 ck add_action module:{my module alias}
See CK documentation and the latest CK paper for further details.

# Module UOA with JSON API
(Python module/wrapper/plugin)
Repo UOA Description and actions
1 advice (CK meta) ck-analytics universal advice (about features, models, optimizations, community remarks)
  • "ck ask advice" - ask AI advice via CK JSON API and CK DNN engines
  • "ck browse advice" - CK-AI dashboard
  • "ck show advice" - access available CK-AI self-optimizing functions
2 ae (CK meta) ck-artifact-evaluation automating artifact evaluation
  • "ck convert_hotcrp_users_cvs_to_html ae" - Convert a list of HotCRP users in CSV to HTML
  • "ck process_hotcrp ae" - process JSON file from HOTCRP and generate table of artifacts
3 ae.person.table (CK meta) ck-artifact-evaluation generate AE table
  • "ck generate ae.person.table" - generate table with AE members per year
4 ai-artifact (CK meta) ck-ai AI artifact store
  • "ck add ai-artifact" - add AI artifact description
  • "ck browse ai-artifact" - browse AI artifacts
  • "ck dashboard ai-artifact" - view CK AI artifact store
  • "ck html_viewer ai-artifact" - show info about AI artifact
  • "ck show ai-artifact" - show artifacts with selector
5 algorithm (CK meta) ck-autotuning algorithm
  • "ck transform algorithm" - transform algorithm
6 all (CK meta) default common operations for the whole CK
  • "ck pull all" - update CK and all repos
7 announcements.funding (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules announcments about funding
8 announcements.job (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules announcements about jobs
9 apk (CK meta) ck-env APK entries
  • "ck add apk" - add apk
  • "ck detect apk" - detect installed APKs
  • "ck install apk" - install APK
  • "ck list_installed apk" - List the apks installed on a target device
  • "ck uninstall apk" - uninstall APK
  • "ck uninstall_all apk" - Uninstall all application on a target device
10 artifact (CK meta) ck-env artifact description (reproducibility, ACM meta, etc)
  • "ck snapshot artifact" - snapshot artifact with all repo deps
11 award (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules awards
12 caffe (CK meta) ck-caffe caffe CK front-end
  • "ck autotune caffe" - autotune Caffe
  • "ck crowdbench caffe" - crowd-benchmark caffe
  • "ck demo caffe" - classification demo using webcam
13 caffe2 (CK meta) ck-caffe2 caffe2 CK front-end
  • "ck autotune caffe2" - autotune Caffe2 workloads
  • "ck crowdbench caffe2" - crowd-benchmark caffe2
  • "ck replay caffe2" - replay caffe2 experiment
14 cfg (CK meta) default configuration entries
15 challenge.vqe (CK meta) ck-quantum Raw data access (json)
  • "ck get_raw_config challenge.vqe" - get raw config for repo widget
  • "ck get_raw_data challenge.vqe" - get raw data for repo-widget
16 choice (CK meta) ck-autotuning exploring choices in multi-dimensional spaces (customizing autotuning)
  • "ck make choice" - make next choice in multi-dimensional space
  • "ck select_list choice" - select from a list of choices in console mode
  • "ck select_uoa choice" - improved version of UOA selector over the version from CK kernel
17 class (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules universal classifications
18 clblast (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning CK wrapper for CLBlast to enable collaborative optimization
  • "ck autotune clblast" - autotune CLBlast via CK
  • "ck crowdtune clblast" - crowdtune CLBlast via CK
19 cmdgen (CK meta) ck-mlperf simplify running the vqe pipeline and recording the results
  • "ck gen cmdgen" - Generate commands using a template, iterable input params and the mapping
  • "ck iterate cmdgen" - Generate parameter dictionaries from command line arguments (some of which are given as lists/ranges)
  • "ck map_keys cmdgen" - Return the list of keys of build_map dictionary
  • "ck map_values cmdgen" - Return the list of values of a particular build_map mapping
  • "ck run cmdgen" - Execute the generated commands
  • "ck show cmdgen" - Shows data content of a specific cmdgen entry
20 compiler (CK meta) ck-autotuning describing compilers and their optimization choices
  • "ck extract_opts compiler" - extract optimization flags and parameters from a compiler for autotuning (currently from GCC sources)
  • "ck extract_opts_new compiler" - extract optimization flags and parameters from a compiler for autotuning (currently from GCC --help:optimizers and sources)
  • "ck extract_to_pipeline compiler" - prepare compiler flag choices for universal tuning via program pipeline (experimental workflow)
  • "ck html_viewer compiler" - viewing compiler description as HTML
21 crowdnode (CK meta) ck-env module providing API to communicate with various ck-crowdnodes ...
  • "ck pull crowdnode" - pull file from ck-crowdnode
  • "ck push crowdnode" - push file to ck-crowdnode
  • "ck shell crowdnode" - execute command on ck-crowdnode
22 dashboard (CK meta) ck-web CK web front-end with interactive widget
  • "ck display dashboard" - display webpage with interactive dashboard widget
23 dataset (CK meta) ck-autotuning datasets
  • "ck add dataset" - add program with templates
  • "ck add_file_to dataset" - add file to a given dataset
  • "ck check_size dataset" - check size of all data sets and if less than threshold, add tag "small"
  • "ck generate dataset" - TBD: generate new data sets to cover unseen behavior
  • "ck import_all_files dataset"
  • "ck prune dataset" - prune data sets to find minimal representative data set covering behavior
24 dataset.features (CK meta) ck-autotuning dataset features
  • "ck convert_raw_rgb_image dataset.features" - convert raw RGB image to png (originally used for SLAM application tuning)
  • "ck extract dataset.features" - extract data set features
25 demo (CK meta) default demos
26 device (CK meta) ck-env description of a given device for crowd-benchmarking and crowd-tuning
27 dissemination.announcement (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules dissemination: announcements
28 (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules book
29 dissemination.conference (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules dissemination: conference titles
30 dissemination.event (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules dissemination: events
31 dissemination.hardware (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules dissemination: hardware
32 dissemination.journal (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules dissemination: journal titles
33 dissemination.keynote (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules dissemination: keynotes
34 dissemination.lecture (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules dissemination: lectures
35 dissemination.patent (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules dissemination: patents
36 dissemination.pitfall (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules dissemination: pitfalls
37 dissemination.poster (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules dissemination: posters
38 dissemination.presentation (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules dissemination: presentations
  • "ck add dissemination.presentation" - add presentation
39 (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules dissemination: press-releases
40 dissemination.publication (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules dissemination: publications (can be interactive)
  • "ck clean dissemination.publication" - clean paper
  • "ck compile dissemination.publication" - compile paper
  • "ck convert_to_live_ck_report dissemination.publication" - convert tex article to live ck report
  • "ck copy_file dissemination.publication" - copy file from an entry to current directory
  • "ck generate dissemination.publication" - generate research paper title
  • "ck html_viewer dissemination.publication" - view experiment as html
  • "ck preprocess dissemination.publication" - preprocess LaTex papers
41 dissemination.publication.artifact (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules dissemination: artifacts along with publications
42 dissemination.repo (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules dissemination: public repositories of knowledge/artifacts
43 dissemination.soft (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules dissemination: software
44 dissemination.workshop (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules dissemination: workhsop titles
45 docker (CK meta) ck-docker abstracting docker
  • "ck build docker" - build Docker image
  • "ck import docker" - import external Docker image (tar file)
  • "ck login docker" - login to Docker Hub
  • "ck push docker" - push a given image to the Docker Hub
  • "ck run docker" - run Docker image
  • "ck save docker" - save Docker image (for example to share via external repositories and digital libraries)
46 env (CK meta) ck-env software environments (to abstract multiple tools and their versions)
  • "ck cat env" - show the shell script for setting up this env
  • "ck clean env" - remote env entry and installed package
  • "ck delete env" - delete env entry
  • "ck deps_summary env" - extracting summary of all deps
  • "ck envsecute env" - execute a shell command in the context of a given environment-setting prewrapper
  • "ck get_all_versions_in_deps env" - get all versions from deps (recursively)
  • "ck locate env" - return the install_location (if known)
  • "ck prune_search_list env" - prune search list by no_tags
  • "ck refresh env" - refresh environment setup (re-setup related software version)
  • "ck remove env" - delete env entry
  • "ck resolve env" - resolve all dependencies for a given software
  • "ck rm env" - delete env entries
  • "ck rmtmp env" - remove tmp entries (when installation to env entry failed)
  • "ck set env" - prepare and set environment for a given software
  • "ck show env" - show all installed software environments
  • "ck virtual env" - pre-load environment for the shell
  • "ck xset env" - set env for command line (pre-set various flags)
47 experiment (CK meta) ck-analytics universal experiment entries
  • "ck add experiment" - process and add experiment
  • "ck browse experiment" - open browser and view experiment details
  • "ck convert_table_to_csv experiment" - Convert experiment table to CSV
  • "ck crowdsource experiment" - crowdsource experiments
  • "ck delete_points experiment" - delete multiple points from multiple entries
  • "ck filter experiment" - filter / pre-process data
  • "ck get experiment" - get points from multiple entries
  • "ck get_all_meta experiment" - get all meta information from all entries
  • "ck get_and_cache_results experiment" - get and cache experimental results
  • "ck get_log_path experiment" - get log path
  • "ck get_unique_keys_from_list experiment" - get unique keys from list of experiments
  • "ck html_viewer experiment" - view experiment as html
  • "ck list_points experiment" - list all points in a given entry
  • "ck load_pipeline experiment" - load pipeline info (id and dictionary contents)
  • "ck load_point experiment" - load all info about a given point (and subpoint)
  • "ck log experiment" - log experiments
  • "ck multi_stat_analysis experiment" - perform statistical analysis (with multiple points at the same time)
  • "ck pack experiment" - pack experiments
  • "ck prepare_html_selector experiment" - prepare HTML selector
  • "ck prepare_selector experiment" - prepare first level of experiments with pruning
  • "ck replay experiment" - replay experiment == the same as reproduce
  • "ck reproduce experiment" - reproduce/replay/rerun a given experiment
  • "ck rerun experiment" - rerun experiment == the same as reproduce
  • "ck sort_table experiment" - sort table, substitute index with a sequence (html)
  • "ck stat_analysis experiment" - process multiple experimental results and perform statistial analysis (including expected values)
  • "ck substitute_x_with_loop experiment" - substitute x axis in table with a sequence
48 experiment.bench.caffe (CK meta) ck-caffe crowd-benchmark DNN libraries and models (Caffe - dev)
  • "ck browse experiment.bench.caffe" - browse public results
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.bench.caffe" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer experiment.bench.caffe" - show info for all layers
  • "ck replay experiment.bench.caffe" - replay experiment (TBD)
  • "ck show experiment.bench.caffe" - show results
49 experiment.bench.caffe2 (CK meta) ck-caffe2 crowd-benchmark DNN libraries and models (Caffe2)
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.bench.caffe2" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck replay experiment.bench.caffe2" - replay experiment (TBD)
  • "ck show experiment.bench.caffe2" - show results
50 experiment.bench.dnn (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning crowd-benchmark DNN libraries and models
  • "ck browse experiment.bench.dnn" - browse public results
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.bench.dnn" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer experiment.bench.dnn" - show info for all layers
  • "ck replay experiment.bench.dnn" - replay experiment (TBD)
  • "ck show experiment.bench.dnn" - show results
51 experiment.bench.dnn.desktop (CK meta) ck-crowdsource-dnn-optimization crowd-benchmark DNN libraries and models (training - on-going)
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.bench.dnn.desktop" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck process_results experiment.bench.dnn.desktop" - process results (possibly on remote server)
  • "ck replay experiment.bench.dnn.desktop" - replay experiment (TBD)
  • "ck show experiment.bench.dnn.desktop" - show results
  • "ck submit experiment.bench.dnn.desktop" - submit statistics to repository
52 (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning crowd-benchmark DNN libraries and models using mobile devices
  • "ck generate" - generate scenarios
  • "ck process" - process raw results from mobile devices
  • "ck process_unexpected_behavior" - record unexpected behavior
  • "ck show" - show results
53 experiment.bench.tensorflow (CK meta) ck-tensorflow crowd-benchmark DNN libraries and models (TensorFlow)
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.bench.tensorflow" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck replay experiment.bench.tensorflow" - replay experiment (TBD)
  • "ck show experiment.bench.tensorflow" - show results
54 (CK meta) ck-wa crowd-benchmark shared workloads via ARM WA framework
  • "ck crowdsource" - crowdsource these experiments
55 experiment.check.algorithm.scalability (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning crowdsource program scalability
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.check.algorithm.scalability" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer experiment.check.algorithm.scalability" - view solutions in html
  • "ck prune experiment.check.algorithm.scalability" - prune compiler flags to find minimal set of choices
  • "ck replay experiment.check.algorithm.scalability" - replay optimization
56 experiment.check.numerical.stability (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning crowdsource program numerical stability
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.check.numerical.stability" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer experiment.check.numerical.stability" - view solutions in html
  • "ck prune experiment.check.numerical.stability" - prune compiler flags to find minimal set of choices
  • "ck replay experiment.check.numerical.stability" - replay optimization
57 experiment.detect.opencl.bugs (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning crowdsource OpenCL bug detection
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.detect.opencl.bugs" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer experiment.detect.opencl.bugs" - view solutions in html
  • "ck prune experiment.detect.opencl.bugs" - prune compiler flags to find minimal set of choices
  • "ck replay experiment.detect.opencl.bugs" - replay optimization
58 experiment.model.program.behavior (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning crowdsource modeling of program behavior
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.model.program.behavior" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer experiment.model.program.behavior" - view solutions in html
  • "ck prune experiment.model.program.behavior" - prune compiler flags to find minimal set of choices
  • "ck replay experiment.model.program.behavior" - replay optimization
59 experiment.raw (CK meta) ck-analytics raw experiment container
60 (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning experiment scenarios to be executed on mobile devices during crowdsourcing
  • "ck get" - get scenarios depending on user's mobile device features
  • "ck process" - process all scenarios (check files, get md5, get length)
61 experiment.tune.compiler.flags (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning explore compiler flags
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.tune.compiler.flags" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer experiment.tune.compiler.flags" - view solutions in html
  • "ck process_interactive_graph experiment.tune.compiler.flags" - prepare graph for interactive reports (internal)
  • "ck prune experiment.tune.compiler.flags" - prune compiler flags to find minimal set of choices
  • "ck replay experiment.tune.compiler.flags" - replay optimization
  • "ck show experiment.tune.compiler.flags" - prepare graph for interactive reports
62 experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning explore GCC compiler flags
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc" - view solutions in html
  • "ck prune experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc" - prune compiler flags to find minimal set of choices
  • "ck replay experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc" - replay optimization
63 experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.custom (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning auto/crowd-tune GCC compiler flags (custom dimention)
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.custom" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.custom" - view solutions in html
  • "ck prune experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.custom" - prune compiler flags to find minimal set of choices
  • "ck replay experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.custom" - replay optimization
64 experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.e (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning auto/crowd-tune GCC compiler flags (minimize execution time)
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.e" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.e" - view solutions in html
  • "ck prune experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.e" - prune compiler flags to find minimal set of choices
  • "ck replay experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.e" - replay optimization
65 experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.e.x (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning auto/crowd-tune GCC compiler flags (minimize execution time, do not degrade code size)
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.e.x" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.e.x" - view solutions in html
  • "ck prune experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.e.x" - prune compiler flags to find minimal set of choices
  • "ck replay experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.e.x" - replay optimization
66 (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning auto/crowd-tune GCC compiler flags (minimize execution time and code size)
  • "ck crowdsource" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer" - view solutions in html
  • "ck prune" - prune compiler flags to find minimal set of choices
  • "ck replay" - replay optimization
67 experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.fuzz (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning fuzz GCC compiler flags (search for bugs)
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.fuzz" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.fuzz" - view solutions in html
  • "ck prune experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.fuzz" - reduce compiler flags to find minimal set of choices
  • "ck replay experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.fuzz" - replay optimization
68 experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.s (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning auto/crowd-tune GCC compiler flags (minimize total binary size, do not degrade execution time)
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.s" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.s" - view solutions in html
  • "ck prune experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.s" - prune compiler flags to find minimal set of choices
  • "ck replay experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.s" - replay optimization
69 experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.x (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning auto/crowd-tune GCC compiler flags (do not degrade execution time, do not degrade code size)
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.x" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.x" - view solutions in html
  • "ck prune experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.x" - prune compiler flags to find minimal set of choices
  • "ck replay experiment.tune.compiler.flags.gcc.x" - replay optimization
70 experiment.tune.compiler.flags.llvm (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning explore LLVM compiler flags
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.tune.compiler.flags.llvm" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer experiment.tune.compiler.flags.llvm" - view solutions in html
  • "ck prune experiment.tune.compiler.flags.llvm" - prune compiler flags to find minimal set of choices
  • "ck replay experiment.tune.compiler.flags.llvm" - replay optimization
71 experiment.tune.compiler.flags.llvm.e (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning auto/crowd-tune LLVM compiler flags (minimize execution time)
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.tune.compiler.flags.llvm.e" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer experiment.tune.compiler.flags.llvm.e" - view solutions in html
  • "ck prune experiment.tune.compiler.flags.llvm.e" - prune compiler flags to find minimal set of choices
  • "ck replay experiment.tune.compiler.flags.llvm.e" - replay optimization
72 experiment.tune.compiler.flags.llvm.e.x (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning auto/crowd-tune LLVM compiler flags (minimize execution time, do not degrade code size)
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.tune.compiler.flags.llvm.e.x" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer experiment.tune.compiler.flags.llvm.e.x" - view solutions in html
  • "ck prune experiment.tune.compiler.flags.llvm.e.x" - prune compiler flags to find minimal set of choices
  • "ck replay experiment.tune.compiler.flags.llvm.e.x" - replay optimization
73 experiment.tune.compiler.flags.llvm.fuzz (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning explore LLVM compiler flags
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.tune.compiler.flags.llvm.fuzz" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer experiment.tune.compiler.flags.llvm.fuzz" - view solutions in html
  • "ck prune experiment.tune.compiler.flags.llvm.fuzz" - prune compiler flags to find minimal set of choices
  • "ck replay experiment.tune.compiler.flags.llvm.fuzz" - replay optimization
74 experiment.tune.compiler.flags.llvm.x (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning auto/crowd-tune LLVM compiler flags (do not degrade execution time, do not degrade code size)
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.tune.compiler.flags.llvm.x" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer experiment.tune.compiler.flags.llvm.x" - view solutions in html
  • "ck prune experiment.tune.compiler.flags.llvm.x" - prune compiler flags to find minimal set of choices
  • "ck replay experiment.tune.compiler.flags.llvm.x" - replay optimization
75 (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning auto/crowd-tune CUDA work size (execution time)
  • "ck crowdsource" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer" - view solutions in html
  • "ck prune" - prune compiler flags to find minimal set of choices
  • "ck replay" - replay optimization
76 experiment.tune.custom.dimensions (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning autotune custom pipeline dimensions
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.tune.custom.dimensions" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer experiment.tune.custom.dimensions" - view solutions in html
  • "ck prune experiment.tune.custom.dimensions" - prune optimizations to find minimal set of choices
  • "ck replay experiment.tune.custom.dimensions" - replay optimization
77 experiment.tune.dnn.batch_size (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning explore DNN batch size
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.tune.dnn.batch_size" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer experiment.tune.dnn.batch_size" - view solutions in html
  • "ck prune experiment.tune.dnn.batch_size" - prune final solution to find minimal set of choices
  • "ck replay experiment.tune.dnn.batch_size" - replay optimization
78 experiment.tune.openblas.threads (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning explore OpenBLAS number of threads
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.tune.openblas.threads" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer experiment.tune.openblas.threads" - view solutions in html
  • "ck prune experiment.tune.openblas.threads" - prune final solution to find minimal set of choices
  • "ck replay experiment.tune.openblas.threads" - replay optimization
79 experiment.tune.opencl.clblast (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning auto/crowd-tune OpenCL-based CLBlast (GFLOPs)
  • "ck browse experiment.tune.opencl.clblast" - browse public results
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.tune.opencl.clblast" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer experiment.tune.opencl.clblast" - show info for all layers
  • "ck replay experiment.tune.opencl.clblast" - replay experiment (TBD)
  • "ck show experiment.tune.opencl.clblast" - show results
80 experiment.tune.opencl.lws.e (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning auto/crowd-tune OpenCL local work size (execution time)
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.tune.opencl.lws.e" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer experiment.tune.opencl.lws.e" - view solutions in html
  • "ck prune experiment.tune.opencl.lws.e" - prune compiler flags to find minimal set of choices
  • "ck replay experiment.tune.opencl.lws.e" - replay optimization
81 experiment.tune.opencl.lws.ep (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning auto/crowd-tune OpenCL local work size (execution time/FPS vs energy)
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.tune.opencl.lws.ep" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer experiment.tune.opencl.lws.ep" - view solutions in html
  • "ck prune experiment.tune.opencl.lws.ep" - prune compiler flags to find minimal set of choices
  • "ck replay experiment.tune.opencl.lws.ep" - replay optimization
82 experiment.tune.openmp.threads (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning explore OpenMP number of threads
  • "ck crowdsource experiment.tune.openmp.threads" - crowdsource these experiments
  • "ck html_viewer experiment.tune.openmp.threads" - view solutions in html
  • "ck prune experiment.tune.openmp.threads" - prune final solution to find minimal set of choices
  • "ck replay experiment.tune.openmp.threads" - replay optimization
83 experiment.user (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning experiment participants and their stats
  • "ck show experiment.user" - show users
84 experiment.view (CK meta) ck-analytics customizable views for experiments
85 gemmbench.crowdtuning (CK meta) gemmbench basic gemmbench crowdtuning
  • "ck clean gemmbench.crowdtuning" - clean results
  • "ck show gemmbench.crowdtuning" - show interactive results
  • "ck start gemmbench.crowdtuning" - start gemmbench crowdtuning
86 graph (CK meta) ck-analytics universal graphs for experiments
  • "ck continuous_plot graph" - update plot periodically (useful to demonstrate continuous experiments and active learning)
  • "ck html_viewer graph" - view graph in html
  • "ck plot graph" - plot graph
  • "ck replay graph" - replay saved graph (to always keep default graphs for interactive papers)
87 (CK meta) ck-analytics .dot graphs (graphviz - useful ot customize decision trees from predictive analytics)
  • "ck convert_to_decision_tree" - convert .dot file a universal decision tree (useful before converting into C code for adaptive applications and libraries)
88 hackathon.20180615 (CK meta) ck-quantum Raw data access (json)
  • "ck get_raw_config hackathon.20180615" - get raw config for repo widget
  • "ck get_raw_data hackathon.20180615" - get raw data for repo-widget
89 hackathon.20181006 (CK meta) ck-quantum Raw data access (json)
  • "ck get_raw_config hackathon.20181006" - get raw config for repo widget
  • "ck get_raw_data hackathon.20181006" - get raw data for repo-widget
90 hackathon.20190127 (CK meta) ck-quantum Raw data access (json)
  • "ck get_raw_config hackathon.20190127" - get raw config for repo widget
  • "ck get_raw_data hackathon.20190127" - get raw data for repo-widget
91 hackathon.20190315 (CK meta) ck-quantum Raw data access (json)
  • "ck get_raw_config hackathon.20190315" - get raw config for repo widget
  • "ck get_raw_data hackathon.20190315" - get raw data for repo-widget
92 index (CK meta) default indexing of CK entries via hadoop-based ElasticSearch to speed up search
  • "ck clean index" - flush whole index
  • "ck off index" - turn transparent indexing off
  • "ck on index" - turn transparent indexing on
  • "ck show index" - show transparent indexing status (ON or OFF)
  • "ck test index" - test ElasticSearch indexing server
93 jnotebook (CK meta) ck-analytics Jupyter Notebook
  • "ck clean jnotebook" - remote output from Jupyter Notebook
  • "ck run jnotebook" - run Jupyter Notebook from a CK entry
94 kernel (CK meta) default kernel configuration
  • "ck set kernel" - set variable in kernel
  • "ck setup kernel" - setup CK (user, license, indexing, web service, etc)
95 log (CK meta) ck-env log holder
96 machine (CK meta) ck-env description of a given machine for crowd-benchmarking and crowd-tuning
  • "ck add machine" - add new machine description
  • "ck browse machine" - browse machines (open browser)
  • "ck check machine" - check machine status (online/offline)
  • "ck init machine" - init machine and update input
  • "ck show machine" - show available target machines and their status
97 math.conditions (CK meta) ck-analytics check conditions
  • "ck check math.conditions" - check conditions
98 (CK meta) ck-analytics detecting (Pareto) frontier for multi-objective optimizations
  • "ck filter" - filter experiments with multiple characteristics (performance, energy, accuracy, size, etc) to leave only points on a (Pareto) frontier
99 math.variation (CK meta) ck-analytics analyzing variation of experimental results (min,max,average,expected values,etc)
  • "ck analyze math.variation" - analyze variation of experimental results including multiple expected values
  • "ck geometric_mean math.variation" - calculating geometric mean
  • "ck process_plus_minus math.variation" - convert plus minus vars to user friendly strings
  • "ck speedup math.variation" - analyze speedup
100 me (CK meta) ck-env
  • "ck make me" - joke
101 milepost (CK meta) reproduce-milepost-project demonstrating MILEPOST technology powered by Collective Knowledge Framework
  • "ck ask_ai milepost" - access MILEPOST AI via unified CK JSON API
  • "ck ask_ai_web milepost" - use machine learning to predict compiler flags
  • "ck dashboard milepost" - open dashboard
  • "ck remote_xsb milepost" - access XSB remotely on devices with constraint memory
  • "ck remote_xsb_api milepost" - XSB remote CK API
  • "ck show milepost" - render dashboard
  • "ck show_json milepost" - return json instead of HTML
102 misc (CK meta) ck-env auxiliary functions shared by Grigori Fursin
  • "ck add_key misc" - add key to meta/files of different entries
  • "ck capture_command_output misc" - run a shell command and return its captured output
  • "ck clone_server_repo misc" - download a whole repository from the server
  • "ck get_home_dir misc" - get the home directory of the current user
  • "ck list_kernel_functions misc" - list CK kernel functions
  • "ck list_kernel_functions_md misc"
  • "ck list_modules misc" - list modules
  • "ck list_repos misc" - list repositories
  • "ck list_variations misc" - given a query of tags/variation and an optional variation_prefix, return a list of supported variations
  • "ck merge_dicts misc" - merge dictionaries in 2 files
  • "ck preload_html_for_lists misc" - preload HTMLs for lists of components
  • "ck prepare_entry_template misc" - select template for a given module
  • "ck process_all_files_recursively misc" - process all files recursively using some action
  • "ck refresh_json misc" - update and sort json file
  • "ck replace_string_in_file misc" - replace string in a file
  • "ck replace_strings_in_file misc" - replace multiple strings in a given file
  • "ck search_in_variations misc" - given a query of tags, find entries that match both from tags and variations
  • "ck select_string misc" - given a list of strings, pick one by index OR substring match
  • "ck select_uoa misc" - select UOA
  • "ck sort_json_file misc" - sort JSON file
  • "ck substitute_from_dict misc" - substitute values from a dictionary
  • "ck transfer misc" - download or upload a bunch of CK entries between a local and a remote repo
103 mlperf (CK meta) ck-mlperf Validate MLPerf submission against reference
  • "ck compare_experiments mlperf" - Compare two experiments
  • "ck list_experiments mlperf" - List all MLPerf-related experiments (search by tags)
  • "ck pick_an_experiment mlperf" - Select an experiment from the list (an interactive helper function)
104 mlperf.inference (CK meta) ck-mlperf Raw data (JSON) access for MLPerf Inference visualization widget
  • "ck get_raw_config mlperf.inference" - get raw config for repo widget
  • "ck get_raw_data mlperf.inference" - get raw data for widget
105 mlperf.mobilenets (CK meta) ck-mlperf Raw data (JSON) access for MLPerf MobilNets visualization widget
  • "ck get_raw_config mlperf.mobilenets" - get raw config for repo widget
  • "ck get_raw_data mlperf.mobilenets" - get raw data for repo widget
106 model (CK meta) ck-analytics universal predictive modeling
  • "ck build model" - build predictive model
  • "ck convert_to_csv model" - convert table to CSV
  • "ck use model" - use existing model to predict values
  • "ck validate model" - validate predictive model (detect mispredictions, calculate RMSE, etc)
107 model.image.classification (CK meta) ck-analytics classify image using various models such as DNN
  • "ck ask_ai_web model.image.classification" - classify user images to crowd-tune CK-DNN and create collective training set
  • "ck dashboard model.image.classification" - open dashboard
  • "ck html_viewer model.image.classification" - user-friendly html view
  • "ck show model.image.classification" - show dashboard
  • "ck show_json model.image.classification" - return json instead of html
108 model.r (CK meta) ck-analytics predictive modeling via R
  • "ck build model.r" - build predictive model
  • "ck validate model.r" - validate predictive model
109 model.sklearn (CK meta) ck-analytics predictive modeling via python-based scikit-learn
  • "ck build model.sklearn" - build predictive model
  • "ck convert_categories_to_floats model.sklearn" - convert categories to floats
  • "ck validate model.sklearn" - validate predictive model
110 model.species (CK meta) ck-analytics model species
111 model.tensorflowapi (CK meta) ck-tensorflow Tensorflow Model configured with Tensorflow Object Detection API
  • "ck eval model.tensorflowapi" - Evaluate model
  • "ck train model.tensorflowapi" - Train model
112 (CK meta) ck-analytics predictive modeling via python-based scikit-learn
  • "ck build" - build predictive model
  • "ck convert_categories_to_floats" - convert categories to floats
  • "ck validate" - validate predictive model
113 module (CK meta) default CK modules (aka wrappers or containers)
  • "ck add module" - add new module (aka plugin, wrapper, container) with a dummy python code
  • "ck show module" - list all modules with their actions (txt, html, mediawiki)
114 nntest (CK meta) ck-nntest nntest CK front end
  • "ck crowdsource nntest" - crowdsource nntest
  • "ck dashboard nntest" - start NN/SW/HW co-design dashboard
  • "ck get_raw_config nntest" - get raw config for repo widget
  • "ck get_raw_data nntest" - get raw data for repo-widget
  • "ck run nntest" - run tests
  • "ck show nntest" - show stats
115 ogl-bug (CK meta) shader-compiler-bugs CK wrapper for OpenGL bug reports from Imperial
  • "ck dashboard ogl-bug" - show OpenCL bugs dashboard
  • "ck show ogl-bug" - show bugs
116 opencl-bug (CK meta) ck-clsmith CK wrapper for OpenCL bug reports from Imperial
  • "ck dashboard opencl-bug" - show bugs
  • "ck show opencl-bug" - show bugs
117 organization (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules dissemination: organizations
118 os (CK meta) ck-env description of operating systems (OS)
  • "ck convert_to_cygwin_path os" - convert win path to cygwin path
  • "ck convert_to_cygwin_paths os" - convert multiple paths to cygwin paths
  • "ck convert_uid_to_alias os" - convert UID to alias (UID) for user-friendly printing
  • "ck find_close os" - find the most close description for the host OS
  • "ck find_file_above_path os" - find file or directory in all above directories from a given path
  • "ck lib_path_export_script os" - generates shell script for exporting library path variables for the given platform
  • "ck run_and_get_stdout os" - run command and get stdout
  • "ck shell os" - shell in OS
119 package (CK meta) ck-env managing software packages (installing tools, registering in CK environments)
  • "ck add package" - add package with template
  • "ck distribute package" - prepare distribution
  • "ck install package" - install CK package (download a tool if needed, install it, and register environment
  • "ck prepare_install_path package" - prepare install path for packages
  • "ck rebuild_deps package" - rebuild dependencies using packages
  • "ck reinstall package" - reinstall package if already installed
  • "ck setup package" - setup package (only register environment but do not install it)
  • "ck show package" - show packages
120 person (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules dissemination: people
  • "ck add person" - extended add
  • "ck html_viewer person" - view person as html
121 photo (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules photos (can be used as data sets)
122 pipeline (CK meta) ck-autotuning defining universal pipelines (experiment workflows)
  • "ck autotune pipeline" - perform autotuning of any available CK pipeline (workflow)
  • "ck run pipeline" - run a given pipeline (workflow) once
  • "ck run_stat pipeline" - run a given pipeline (workflow) N times and perform statistical analysis
  • "ck setup pipeline" - setup a given pipeline (workflow) for execution/autotuning
123 pipeline.cmd (CK meta) ck-autotuning demonstrating command line pipeline (for CMD-based autotuning)
  • "ck pipeline pipeline.cmd" - run universal command line pipeline (demo)
124 platform (CK meta) ck-env detecting and describin platforms
  • "ck browse platform" - browse platforms participated in experiment crowdsourcing (crowd-benchmarking and crowd-tuning)
  • "ck deinit platform" - de-initialize device (put shared computational devices to powersave mode after experiments)
  • "ck detect platform" - detect various properties (features) of a given platform
  • "ck exchange platform" - exchange various information with a public server (for crowd-benchmarking/crow-tuning)
  • "ck get_from_wmic platform" - get information from WMIC tool on Windows
  • "ck init_device platform" - init remote device (useful when preparing shared computational device)
  • "ck show platform" - show entries in user-friendly html format
125 platform.cpu (CK meta) ck-env describing and detecting platform's CPUs
  • "ck browse platform.cpu" - browse platform.cpu participated in experiment crowdsourcing (crowd-benchmarking and crowd-tuning)
  • "ck detect platform.cpu" - detect various properties (features) of a given CPU
  • "ck set_freq platform.cpu" - set frequency of a given CPU (if supported)
  • "ck show platform.cpu" - viewing entries as html
126 platform.dsp (CK meta) ck-env describing and detecting platform's GPU
  • "ck detect platform.dsp" - detect various properties (features) of a given DSP
127 platform.gpgpu (CK meta) ck-autotuning describing and detecting platform's GPU
  • "ck detect platform.gpgpu" - detect various properties (features) of a given GPGPU
  • "ck set_freq platform.gpgpu" - set frequency of a given GPGPU (if supported)
  • "ck show platform.gpgpu" - viewing entries as html
128 platform.gpu (CK meta) ck-env describing and detecting platform's GPU
  • "ck browse platform.gpu" - browse platform.gpu participated in experiment crowdsourcing (crowd-benchmarking and crowd-tuning)
  • "ck detect platform.gpu" - detect various properties (features) of a given GPU
  • "ck set_freq platform.gpu" - set frequency of a given GPU (if supported)
  • "ck show platform.gpu" - viewing entries as html
129 platform.init (CK meta) ck-env scripts and tools to initialize a given platform
130 platform.nn (CK meta) ck-env describing and detecting platform's GPU
  • "ck browse platform.nn" - browse neural networks participated in experiment crowdsourcing (crowd-benchmarking and crowd-tuning)
  • "ck detect platform.nn" - detect various properties (features) of a given neural network accelerator
  • "ck set_freq platform.nn" - set frequency of a given neural network accelerator (if supported)
  • "ck show platform.nn" - viewing entries as html
131 platform.npu (CK meta) ck-env describing and detecting platform's GPU
  • "ck browse platform.npu" - browse platform.npu participated in experiment crowdsourcing (crowd-benchmarking and crowd-tuning)
  • "ck detect platform.npu" - detect various properties (features) of a given NPU
  • "ck set_freq platform.npu" - set frequency of a given NPU (if supported)
  • "ck show platform.npu" - viewing entries as html
132 platform.os (CK meta) ck-env describing and detecting platform's operating systems
  • "ck browse platform.os" - browse platform.os participated in experiment crowdsourcing (crowd-benchmarking and crowd-tuning)
  • "ck detect platform.os" - detect various properties (features) of a host and target OS
  • "ck show platform.os" - viewing entries as html
133 proceedings.acm (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules automating ACM proceedings with papers and artifacts
  • "ck generate proceedings.acm" - generate ACM proceedings
134 program (CK meta) ck-autotuning program compilation and execution workflow (pipeline)
  • "ck add program" - add program with templates
  • "ck autotune program" - universal, multi-objective, multi-dimensional software/hardware autotuning
  • "ck benchmark program" - benchmark program (run autotune with 1 iteration and full environment setup)
  • "ck clean program" - clean temporal files and directories of a given program
  • "ck clean_tmp program" - clean all tmp directories
  • "ck compile program" - compile a given program
  • "ck copy program" - copy program
  • "ck cp program" - copy program
  • "ck crowdtune program" - crowdtune program
  • "ck find_output program" - find program output entry
  • "ck pipeline program" - universal program compilation and execution pipeline (workflow)
  • "ck prepare_table_with_results program" - prepare HTML/TEX table with results
  • "ck process_in_dir program" - process program in a given directory (clean, compile or run)
  • "ck run program" - run a given program
  • "ck select_uoa program" - select program UOA in console mode
  • "ck show program" - show all programs (workflows)
  • "ck substitute_some_ck_keys program" - substitute some CK reserved keys
  • "ck xcrowdtune program" - crowdtune programs via list
135 program.behavior (CK meta) ck-autotuning program behavior
  • "ck show program.behavior" - dashboard
136 program.dynamic.features (CK meta) ck-autotuning program semantic features
137 program.experiment.speedup (CK meta) ck-autotuning example of a script to reproduce and crowdsource experiments: checking program speedups vs a set of compiler flags vs a few data sets
  • "ck describe program.experiment.speedup" - describe experiment
  • "ck reproduce program.experiment.speedup" - reproduce experiment
138 program.optimization (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning program optimization
  • "ck add_solution program.optimization" - add new solution
  • "ck classify program.optimization" - classify solutions
  • "ck compare_results program.optimization" - compare results (if similar or not)
  • "ck crowdsource program.optimization" - crowdsource program optimization
  • "ck dashboard program.optimization" - show local results
  • "ck explore program.optimization" - explore program optimizations
  • "ck get program.optimization" - get solutions
  • "ck get_workloads program.optimization" - get workloads for a given solution
  • "ck initialize program.optimization" - initialize experiment
  • "ck links program.optimization" - prepare links
  • "ck problem program.optimization" - record problems (for example, when impossible to detect CPU during mobile device crowdtuning)
  • "ck prune program.optimization" - prune solutions
  • "ck replay program.optimization" - replay solution
  • "ck run program.optimization" - perform program optimization
  • "ck show program.optimization" - show results via web service
  • "ck show_json program.optimization" - return json instead of html in show
  • "ck test program.optimization" - test remote access
139 (CK meta) ck-crowdtuning collaborative program optimization using mobile devices (such as Android mobile phones and tables)
  • "ck check" - check if crowd-pack is ready
  • "ck crowdsource" - prepare experiments for crowdsourcing using mobile phones
  • "ck request" - request experiment pack for mobile device
  • "ck server" - start server to process tasks
140 program.output (CK meta) ck-autotuning check program output
  • "ck check_numerical program.output" - check numerical program output with threshold
141 program.species (CK meta) ck-autotuning classification of similar programs using machine learning or manually by the community
142 program.static.features (CK meta) ck-autotuning program semantic features
  • "ck calculate_similarity program.static.features" - calculate similarity between programs based on MILEPOST features
  • "ck extract program.static.features" - extract program static milepost features
  • "ck show program.static.features" - show features in HTML
143 qml (CK meta) ck-quantum simplify running the qml experiments and recording/viewing the results
  • "ck list_experiments qml" - Returns a list of all VQE-relevant CK experiment entries
  • "ck pick_a_filename qml" - Select a filename from the given directory (interactive helper function)
  • "ck pick_an_experiment qml" - Select an experiment from the list (interactive helper function)
  • "ck store_experiment qml" - Store the JSON output in a CK experiment entry for further analysis and upload
  • "ck upload qml" - Upload the best experimental results on the server for visualization and comparison
144 qr-code (CK meta) ck-web generating QR codes
  • "ck generate qr-code" - generate QR code
145 repo (CK meta) default CK repositories
  • "ck add repo" - register new repository in CK
  • "ck browse repo" - show remote repo in a browser
  • "ck copy repo" - copy repo (forbidden)
  • "ck cp repo" - copy repo (forbidden)
  • "ck create repo" - register new repository in CK
  • "ck delete repo" - remove repository from CK
  • "ck deps repo" - resolve dependencies on other repositories for a given repository
  • "ck find repo" - find path to repo
  • "ck get_and_unzip_archive repo" - (receive repository from web if needed in zip), unzip and register repository in CK
  • "ck import repo" - register repository from current path in CK
  • "ck print_deps repo" - print dependencies on other shared repositories
  • "ck pull repo" - if a given repository is shared, pull it from GIT
  • "ck push repo" - if a given repository is shared shared, push and commit it to GIT
  • "ck recache repo" - recache all local repositories (to speed up search)
  • "ck remove repo" - remove repository from CK
  • "ck ren repo" - rename repo
  • "ck rename repo" - rename repo
  • "ck renew repo" - renew repository (remove fully and pull again)
  • "ck reset repo" - reset git repos (default branch)
  • "ck rm repo" - remove repository from CK
  • "ck show repo" - show repositories and their status
  • "ck unzip repo" - unzip entries from an archive to a given CK repository
  • "ck update repo" - update repository description
  • "ck where repo" - find local path to a given repository
  • "ck zip repo" - archive repository to zip (can be shared with public, for Artifact Evaluation, etc)
146 report (CK meta) ck-analytics preparing experimental reports (html)
  • "ck copy_file report" - copy file from report entry to current directory
  • "ck html_viewer report" - view report as html
147 request.asplos18 (CK meta) ck-request Open ACM ReQuEST @ ASPLOS'18 tournament (image classification)
  • "ck dashboard request.asplos18" - see ReQuEST @ ASPLOS'18 results
  • "ck get_raw_config request.asplos18" - get raw config for repo widget
  • "ck get_raw_data request.asplos18" - Get raw data for repo-widget
  • "ck html_viewer request.asplos18" - view a given point
  • "ck make_deps_full_name request.asplos18" - make full name for dependency
  • "ck prepare_common_meta request.asplos18" - prepare common meta for ReQuEST @ ASPLOS'18
  • "ck replay request.asplos18" - replay experiment (TBD)
  • "ck scoreboard request.asplos18" - start scoreboard
  • "ck show request.asplos18" - show all results
  • "ck validate request.asplos18" - move validated experiment to an official repo
148 research.topic (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules systematizing research topics
149 result (CK meta) ck-env container for any result
150 scc-workflow (CK meta) ck-scc Student Cluser Competition universal workflow
  • "ck compile scc-workflow" - compile application
  • "ck download_data scc-workflow" - download data for the workflow
  • "ck install_deps scc-workflow" - install dependencies
  • "ck pack scc-workflow" - pack your Digital Artifact
  • "ck plot scc-workflow" - plot graphs
  • "ck post_process scc-workflow" - post process results
  • "ck prepare scc-workflow" - prepare SCC workflow
  • "ck run scc-workflow" - run application
  • "ck run_analysis scc-workflow" - run application
  • "ck test scc-workflow" - test workflow
151 script (CK meta) ck-env scripts
  • "ck _run_external script" - run a given function in a given script entry via an external CK command
  • "ck run script" - run a given script (host OS dependent)
152 slide (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules individual slides
  • "ck convert slide" - convert to various format
  • "ck copy_file slide" - copy file to slide
  • "ck prepare_for_latex slide" - prepare slide for latex
153 soft (CK meta) ck-env managing software (registering in CK environment)
  • "ck add soft" - add software detection plugin with template
  • "ck check soft" - check is given software is already installed and register it in the CK or install it if package exists (the same as 'detect')
  • "ck check_target soft" - check that host and target OS is supported
  • "ck compare_versions soft" - compare two versions (in list)
  • "ck detect soft" - detect is given software is already installed and register it in the CK or install it if package exists (the same as 'check')
  • "ck find_config_file soft" - find installation JSON file
  • "ck get_version soft" - low-level function to get version (will be substituted)
  • "ck internal_detect soft" - detect version of a given software (internal)
  • "ck list_all_files soft" - list all files including directories
  • "ck print_help soft" - print help for this software entry
  • "ck search_tool soft" - search tool in pre-defined paths
  • "ck search_version soft" - search for soft version in some files
  • "ck setup soft" - setup CK environment for a given software
  • "ck show soft" - show available software descriptions
  • "ck split_version soft" - split version
154 solution (CK meta) ck-env CK solution to automate the installation of program workflows and their benchmarking
155 sut (CK meta) ck-mlperf simplify running the vqe pipeline and recording the results
  • "ck list sut" - List available SUT entries
  • "ck show sut" - Shows data content of a specific SUT entry
156 table (CK meta) ck-analytics preparing experimental tables (txt,html)
  • "ck draw table" - draw experiment table (in txt or html)
  • "ck prepare table" - prepare table (in HTML and TEX)
157 tensorflow (CK meta) ck-tensorflow TensorFlow CK front-end
  • "ck autotune tensorflow" - autotune TensorFlow workloads
  • "ck crowdbench tensorflow" - crowd-benchmark TensorFlow
  • "ck replay tensorflow" - replay experiment
158 test (CK meta) default functionality tests
  • "ck cmd test" - show cmd
  • "ck run test" - test CK functionality
159 tmp (CK meta) default temporary code or data
160 user (CK meta) ck-web web-based user auth
  • "ck auth user" - authentication of a user
  • "ck create user" - create account
  • "ck renew user" - renew user
161 video (CK meta) ck-dissemination-modules videos (can be used as data sets)
162 vqe (CK meta) ck-quantum simplify running the vqe pipeline and recording the results
  • "ck cleanup vqe" - Remove env and soft entries that make up deployed plugin(s)
  • "ck deploy vqe" - Install the necessary plugin (optimizer or ansatz) and the corresponding environment for the 'run' method to work (helper function)
  • "ck deploy_ansatz vqe" - Deploy one ansatz plugin
  • "ck deploy_optimizer vqe" - Deploy one optimizer plugin
  • "ck list_deployables vqe" - Get the list of all deployables of a template code-containing soft entry (helper function)
  • "ck list_experiments vqe" - Returns a list of all VQE-relevant CK experiment entries
  • "ck list_registered_emails vqe" - Get the list of emails of the users that have successfully recorded the quantum_coin_flip experiment (helper function)
  • "ck pick_an_experiment vqe" - Select an experiment from the list (interactive helper function)
  • "ck plugin_path vqe" - Get the path to the plugin's editable python file
  • "ck run vqe" - Run several repetitions and record the results locally
  • "ck time_to_solution vqe" - Calculate the Time-to-Solution metric for a given experiment
  • "ck upload vqe" - Upload the best experimental results on the server for visualization and comparison
163 wa (CK meta) ck-wa CK front-end for ARM workload automation
  • "ck configure wa" - configure device
  • "ck crowdbench wa" - crowd benchmark Android workloads via CK public repository (
  • "ck dashboard wa" - ARM workload automation dashboard
  • "ck import wa" - import workloads from original WA
  • "ck list wa" - list workloads
  • "ck replay wa" - replay a given experiment
  • "ck run wa" - run workload(s)
  • "ck runx wa" - run workload via CK pipeline
164 wa-device (CK meta) ck-wa WA device in CK format
165 wa-params (CK meta) ck-wa Cached WA parameters in CK format
166 wa-result (CK meta) ck-wa WA results
  • "ck show wa-result" - show results
167 wa-scenario (CK meta) ck-wa common workload automation scenarios
  • "ck add wa-scenario" - add scenario (semi-manual)
168 wa-tool (CK meta) ck-wa WA tool (instrument) in CK format
169 web (CK meta) default CK web service
  • "ck start web" - start CK web service (by default at http://localhost:3344)
  • "ck test web" - test CK web service
170 wfe (CK meta) ck-web CK web front-end (browsing repository and entries, visualizing experiments, viewing interactive graphs and articles, etc)
  • "ck clean wfe" - clean tmp cache of a CK web service
  • "ck convert_ck_list_to_select_data wfe" - convert CK list to html to select data
  • "ck create_button wfe" - create html button
  • "ck create_input wfe" - create html search
  • "ck create_selector wfe" - create html universal selector
  • "ck form_url_prefix wfe" - form URL prefix (if used via CK web server or via third-party web server and PHP)
  • "ck index wfe" - browse CK repositories
  • "ck parse_txt wfe" - parse text or json files to process, high-light and cross-link special CK words including $#cm_, $#ck_, http ...
  • "ck process_all_pages wfe" - process all pages and convert them into static ones (to create static websites)
  • "ck process_ck_page wfe" - process special CK words in html pages
  • "ck start_form wfe" - start html form
  • "ck view_page wfe" - view a given CK page
  • "ck webadd wfe" - add/update CK entries via html
171 xml (CK meta) ck-env processing XML
  • "ck generate xml" - generate XML from DICT (JSON)
  • "ck validate xml" - validate XML against DTD

Developed by Grigori Fursin           
Implemented as a CK workflow
                      Hosted at