{ "authors": [ { "affiliation": "University of Pittsburgh, USA", "name": "79cab05c720e60c9" }, { "affiliation": "INRIA, France", "name": "0728a400aa1c86fe" } ], "notes": [ { "italic": "yes", "note": "Submission Deadline: Sept 1, 2014" }, { "italic": "yes", "note": "Reviews Completed: Nov 1, 2014" }, { "italic": "yes", "note": "Major Revisions Due (if Needed): Dec 15, 2014" }, { "italic": "yes", "note": "Reviews of Revisions Completed (if Needed): Jan 3, 2015" }, { "italic": "yes", "note": "Minor Revisions Due (if Needed): Jan 20, 2015" }, { "italic": "yes", "note": "Notification of Final Acceptance: Jan 31, 2015" }, { "italic": "yes", "note": "Publication Materials for Final Manuscripts Due: Feb 15, 2015" }, { "italic": "yes", "note": "Publication date: 2nd Issue of 2015" } ], "start_iso_date": "2015-01-11", "title": "Special Issue on Reproducible Research Methodologies, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC)", "type": { "name": "journal_special_issue" }, "urls": [ { "title": "IEEE TETC Website", "url": "http://www.computer.org/portal/web/tetc" }, { "title": "Submission website", "url": "https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tetc-cs" }, { "title": "Flyer and CFP", "url": "http://www.computer.org/cms/Computer.org/transactions/cfps/cfp_tetcsi_rrm.pdf" }, { "title": "Related OCCAM project", "url": "http://www.occamportal.org" }, { "title": "Related Collective Mind project", "url": "http://c-mind.org" }, { "title": "Related Collective Mind repository", "url": "http://c-mind.org/repo" } ] }