# Collective Mind core functions
# Written by Grigori Fursin
from cmind.config import Config
from cmind.repos import Repos
from cmind.index import Index
from cmind.automation import Automation
from cmind import utils
import sys
import os
# Outdated in Python 3.12+
#import imp
import importlib
import pkgutil
import inspect
import logging
cm = None
class CM(object):
Main CM class
def __init__(self, repos_path = '', debug = False):
Initialize CM configuration class
(repos_path) (str) - path to CM repositories and other information.
(debug) (bool) - if True, raise errors in internal functions
instead of returning a dictionary with "return">0.
(python class) with the following vars:
* cfg (dict): internal CM configuration
* debug (bool): debug state
* repos_path (str): path to CM repositories and other information
* path_to_cmind (str): path to the used CM toolkit
* path_to_cmind_core_module (str): path to CM core module
* path_to_cmind_repo (str): path to the "internal" CM repo
* repos (list): list of initialized CM repository objects
* common_automation (Automation class): initialized common automation with actions when a given automation is not found or doesn't exist
* output (str): value of --out during the first access to CM (to print errors, etc)
# Initialize and update CM configuration
self.cfg = Config().cfg
# Check if debug (raise error instead of soft error)
self.debug = False
if debug or os.environ.get(self.cfg['env_debug'],'').strip().lower() in ['yes','on','true']:
self.debug = True
# Explicit path to direcory with CM repositories and other internals
self.repos_path = repos_path
if self.repos_path == '':
s = os.environ.get(self.cfg['env_repos'],'').strip()
if s != '':
self.repos_path = s
if self.repos_path == '':
from os.path import expanduser
self.repos_path = os.path.join(expanduser("~"), self.cfg['default_home_dir'])
path_to_cmind = os.environ.get(self.cfg['env_home'],'').strip()
if path_to_cmind != '':
self.path_to_cmind = path_to_cmind
self.path_to_cmind_core_module = os.path.join(self.path_to_cmind, 'core.py')
self.path_to_cmind_core_module = inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())
self.path_to_cmind = os.path.dirname(self.path_to_cmind_core_module)
self.path_to_cmind_repo = os.path.join(self.path_to_cmind, self.cfg['cmind_repo'])
# Repositories
self.repos = None
# Common automation
self.common_automation = None
# Output of the first access
self.output = None
# Check Python version
self.python_version = list(sys.version_info)
# Save output to json (only from CLI)
self.save_to_json = ''
# Logging
self.logger = None
self.log = []
# Index
self.index = None
self.use_index = True
if os.environ.get(self.cfg['env_index'],'').strip().lower() in ['no','off','false']:
self.use_index = False
def error(self, r):
If r['return']>0: print CM error and raise error if in debugging mode
r (dict): output from CM function with "return" and "error"
(dict): r
import os
if r['return']>0:
if self.debug:
raise Exception(r['error'])
sys.stderr.write('\n'+self.cfg['error_prefix']+' '+r['error']+'!\n')
return r
def halt(self, r):
If r['return']>0: print CM error and raise error if in debugging mode or halt with "return" code
r (dict): output from CM function with "return" and "error"
(dict): r
# Force console
def log(self, s):
s (string): log string
# Force console
print (s)
def access(self, i, out = None):
Access CM automation actions in a unified way similar to micro-services.
i (dict | str | argv): unified CM input
(action) (str): automation action
(automation (CM object): CM automation in format (alias | UID | alias,UID)
or (repo alias | repo UID | repo alias,UID):(alias | UID | alias,UID)
(artifact) (CM object): CM artifact
(artifacts) (list of CM objects): extra CM artifacts
(common) (bool): if True, use common automation action from Automation class
(help) (bool): if True, print CM automation action API
(ignore_inheritance) (bool): if True, ignore inheritance when searching for artifacts and automations
(out) (str): if 'con', tell automations and CM to output extra information to console
(CM return dict):
* return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
* (error) (str): error string if return>0
* Output from a CM automation action
# Check the type of input
if i is None:
i = {}
# Attempt to detect debug flag early (though suggest to use environment)
# If error in parse_cli, it will raise error
if self.cfg['flag_debug'] in i:
self.debug = True
# Check if log
if self.logger is None:
self.logger = logging.getLogger("cm")
# Parse as command line if string or list
if type(i) == str or type(i) == list:
import cmind.cli
r = cmind.cli.parse(i)
if r['return'] >0 : return r
i = r['cm_input']
# Check if force out programmatically (such as from CLI)
if 'out' not in i and out is not None:
i['out'] = out
output = i.get('out','')
# Check if save to json
if 'save_to_json' in i and i['save_to_json']!='':
self.save_to_json = i['save_to_json']
# Set self.output to the output of the very first access
# to print error in the end if needed
if self.output is None:
self.output = output
# Check if console
console = (output == 'con')
# Check if has help flag
cm_help = i.get(self.cfg['flag_help'], False) or i.get(self.cfg['flag_help2'], False)
# Initialized common automation with collective database actions
if self.common_automation == None:
self.common_automation = Automation(self, __file__)
# Check automation action
action = i.get('action','')
# Check automation
automation = i.get('automation','')
# Check if asked for "version" and no automation
if action == 'version' and automation == '':
automation = 'core'
elif action == '' and automation == '' and i.get('version',False):
action = 'version'
automation = 'core'
# Print basic help if action == ''
extra_help = True if action == 'help' and automation == '' else False
if action == '' or extra_help:
if console:
print (self.cfg['info_cli'])
if cm_help or extra_help:
print_db_actions(self.common_automation, self.cfg['action_substitutions'], '')
return {'return':0, 'warning':'no action specified'}
# Load info about all CM repositories (to enable search for automations and artifacts)
if self.repos == None:
repos = Repos(path = self.repos_path, cfg = self.cfg,
path_to_internal_repo = self.path_to_cmind_repo)
r = repos.load()
if r['return'] >0 : return r
# Set only after all initializations
self.repos = repos
# Load index
if self.index is None:
self.index = Index(self.repos_path, self.cfg)
if self.use_index:
r = self.index.load()
if r['return']>0: return r
if not r['exists']:
# First time
if console:
print ('Warning: CM index is used for the first time. CM will reindex all artifacts now - it may take some time ...')
r = self.access({'action':'reindex',
if r['return']>0: return r
# Check if forced common automation
use_common_automation = True if i.get('common',False) else False
automation_lst = []
use_any_action = False
artifact = i.get('artifact','').strip()
artifacts = i.get('artifacts',[]) # Only if more than 1 artifact
# Check if automation is "." - then attempt to detect repo, automation and artifact from the current directory
if automation == '.' or artifact == '.':
r = self.access({'action':'detect',
if r['return']>0: return r
# Check and substitute automation
if automation == '.':
automation = ''
if r.get('artifact_found', False):
if not r.get('found_in_current_path',False):
# If not in the root directory (otherwise search through all automations)
automation = r['cm_automation']
# Check and make an artifact (only if artifacts are not specified)
if artifact == '.' or artifact == '':
artifact = ''
if r.get('cm_artifact','')!='':
artifact = r['cm_artifact']
if r.get('registered', False):
cm_repo = r['cm_repo']
if ':' not in artifact:
artifact = cm_repo + ':' + artifact
for ia in range(0,len(artifacts)):
a = artifacts[ia]
if ':' not in a:
a = cm_repo + ':' + a
artifacts[ia] = a
# If automation!='', attempt to find it and load
# Otherwise use the common automation
if automation != '':
# Parse automation potentially with a repository
# and convert it into CM object [(artifact,UID) (,(repo,UID))]
r = utils.parse_cm_object(automation)
if r['return'] >0 : return r
parsed_automation = r['cm_object']
i['parsed_automation'] = parsed_automation
if use_common_automation:
# Check that UID is set otherwise don't know how to add
if xuid == '':
return {'return':1, 'error':'you must add `,CM UID` for automation {} when using --common'.format(parsed_automation[0][0])}
elif not utils.is_cm_uid(xuid):
return {'return':1, 'error':'you must use CM UID after automation {} when using --common'.format(parsed_automation[0][0])}
automation_meta = {}
if automation != '' and not use_common_automation:
# If wildcards in automation, use the common one (usually for search across different automations)
# However, still need above "parse_automation" for proper search
if '*' in automation or '?' in automation:
use_common_automation = True
# First object in a list is an automation
# Second optional object in a list is a repo
auto_name = parsed_automation[0] if len(parsed_automation)>0 else ('','')
auto_repo = parsed_automation[1] if len(parsed_automation)>1 else None
# Search for automations in repos (local, internal, other) TBD: maybe should be local, other, internal?
# Ignore inheritance when called recursively
if i.get('ignore_inheritance',False):
r = self.common_automation.search(ii)
if r['return']>0: return r
automation_lst = r['list']
if len(automation_lst)==1:
automation = automation_lst[0]
automation_path = automation.path
automation_name = self.cfg['common_automation_module_name']
automation_meta = automation.meta
use_any_action = automation_meta.get('use_any_action',False)
# Update parsed_automation with UID and alias
parsed_automation[0] = (automation_meta.get('alias',''),
# Find Python module for this automation: should also work with 3.12+
automation_full_path = os.path.join(automation_path, automation_name + '.py')
if not os.path.isfile(automation_full_path):
return {'return': 1, 'error': 'can\'t find Python module file {}'.format(automation_full_path)}
# Oudated
# try:
# found_automation = imp.find_module(automation_name, [automation_path])
# except ImportError as e: # pragma: no cover
# return {'return': 1, 'error': 'can\'t find Python module code (path={}, name={}, err={})'.format(automation_path, automation_name, format(e))}
found_automation_spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(automation_name, automation_full_path)
if found_automation_spec == None:
return {'return': 1, 'error': 'can\'t find Python module file {}'.format(automation_full_path)}
# Outdated
# automation_handler = found_automation[0]
# Generate uid for the run-time extension of the loaded Python module
# otherwise Python modules with the same extension (key.py for example)
# will be reloaded ...
# r = utils.gen_uid()
# if r['return'] > 0: return r
# automation_run_time_uid = 'rt-'+r['uid']
# Outdated
# loaded_automation = imp.load_module(automation_run_time_uid, automation_handler, automation_full_path, found_automation[2])
loaded_automation = importlib.util.module_from_spec(found_automation_spec)
except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover
return {'return': 1, 'error': 'can\'t load Python module code (path={}, name={}, err={})'.format(automation_path, automation_name, format(e))}
# Outdated
# if automation_handler is not None:
# automation_handler.close()
loaded_automation_class = loaded_automation.CAutomation
# Try to load meta description
automation_path_meta = os.path.join(automation_path, self.cfg['file_cmeta'])
r = utils.is_file_json_or_yaml(file_name = automation_path_meta)
if r['return']>0: return r
if not r['is_file']:
return {'return':4, 'error':'automation meta not found in {}'.format(automation_path)}
# Load artifact class
if r['return']>0: return r
automation_meta = r['meta']
elif len(automation_lst)>1:
return {'return':2, 'error':'ambiguity because several automations were found for {}'.format(auto_name)}
# Report an error if a repo is specified for a given automation action but it's not found there
if len(automation_lst)==0 and auto_repo is not None:
return {'return':3, 'error':'automation was not found in a specified repo {}'.format(auto_repo)}
# Convert action into function (substitute internal words)
original_action = action
action = action.replace('-','_')
if action in self.cfg['action_substitutions']:
action = self.cfg['action_substitutions'][action]
elif action in automation_meta.get('action_substitutions',{}):
action = automation_meta['action_substitutions'][action]
# Check if common automation and --help
if (use_common_automation or automation=='') and cm_help:
return print_action_help(self.common_automation,
# If no automation was found we do not force common automation, check if should fail or continue
if not use_common_automation and len(automation_lst)==0:
if self.cfg['fail_if_automation_not_found']:
# Quit with error
if automation=='':
return {'return':4, 'error':'automation was not specified'}
return {'return':4, 'error':'automation {} not found'.format(automation)}
# If no automation was found or we force common automation
if use_common_automation or len(automation_lst)==0:
from . import automation as loaded_automation
loaded_automation_class = loaded_automation.Automation
automation_full_path = loaded_automation.self_path
automation_meta = {
# Finalize automation class initialization
initialized_automation = loaded_automation_class(self, automation_full_path)
initialized_automation.meta = automation_meta
initialized_automation.full_path = automation_full_path
# Check action in a class when importing
if use_any_action:
action = 'any'
print_automation = automation_meta.get('alias','') + ',' + automation_meta.get('uid','')
initialized_automation.artfact = print_automation
# Check if help about automation actions
if action == 'help':
import types
print (self.cfg['info_cli'])
print ('')
print ('Automation python module: {}'.format(automation_full_path))
r = print_db_actions(self.common_automation, self.cfg['action_substitutions'], automation_meta.get('alias',''))
if r['return']>0: return r
db_actions = r['db_actions']
actions = []
for d in sorted(dir(initialized_automation)):
if d not in db_actions and type(getattr(initialized_automation, d))==types.MethodType and not d.startswith('_'):
if len(actions)>0:
print ('')
print ('Automation actions:')
print ('')
for d in actions:
print (' * cm ' + d + ' ' + automation_meta.get('alias',''))
return {'return':0, 'warning':'no automation action'}
# Check if action exists
if not hasattr(initialized_automation, action):
return {'return':4, 'error':'action "{}" not found in automation "{}"'.format(action, print_automation)}
# Check if help for a given automation action
delayed_help = False
delayed_help_api = ''
delayed_help_api_prefix = ''
delayed_help_api_prefix_0 = ''
if cm_help:
# Find path to automation
rr = print_action_help(initialized_automation,
if rr['return']>0: return rr
if not rr.get('delayed_help', False):
return rr
delayed_help = True
delayed_help_api = rr['help']
delayed_help_api_prefix = rr['help_prefix']
delayed_help_api_prefix_0 = rr['help_prefix_0']
# Process artifacts for this automation action
if len(artifacts)>0:
parsed_artifacts = []
for extra_artifact in artifacts:
# Parse artifact
r = parse_cm_object_and_check_current_dir(self, extra_artifact)
if r['return'] >0 : return r
i['parsed_artifacts'] = parsed_artifacts
# Check artifact and artifacts
if artifact != '':
# Parse artifact
r = parse_cm_object_and_check_current_dir(self, artifact)
if r['return'] >0 : return r
i['parsed_artifact'] = r['cm_object']
# Check min CM version requirement
min_cm_version = automation_meta.get('min_cm_version','').strip()
if min_cm_version != '':
from cmind import __version__ as current_cm_version
comparison = utils.compare_versions(current_cm_version, min_cm_version)
if comparison < 0:
return {'return':1, 'error':'CM automation requires CM version >= {} while current CM version is {} - please update using "pip install cmind -U"'.format(min_cm_version, current_cm_version)}
# Call automation action
action_addr=getattr(initialized_automation, action)
r = action_addr(i)
# Check if need to save index
if self.use_index and self.index.updated:
rx = self.index.save()
# Ignore output for now to continue working even if issues ...
# If delayed help
if delayed_help and not r.get('skip_delayed_help', False):
print ('')
print (delayed_help_api_prefix_0)
print ('')
print (delayed_help_api_prefix)
print ('')
print (delayed_help_api)
return r
def parse_cm_object_and_check_current_dir(cmind, artifact):
Internal function: parses CM object and check if there is '.'
to detect CM repository in a current directory.
if artifact.startswith('.:'):
r = cmind.access({'action':'detect',
if r['return']>0: return r
if r.get('registered', False):
cm_repo = r['cm_repo']
artifact = cm_repo + artifact[1:]
return utils.parse_cm_object(artifact)
def print_db_actions(automation, equivalent_actions, automation_name):
Internal function: prints CM database actions.
import types
print ('')
print ('Common actions to manage CM repositories:')
print ('')
for d in sorted(dir(automation)):
if type(getattr(automation, d))==types.MethodType and not d.startswith('_'):
s = d
se = ''
# Check equivalent actions
for k in sorted(equivalent_actions.keys()):
v = equivalent_actions[k]
if v==d:
if se!='': se+=', '
if se!='':
s+=' (' + se + ')'
x = ' ' + automation_name if automation_name!='' else ''
print (' * cm ' + s + x)
return {'return':0, 'db_actions':db_actions}
def print_action_help(automation, common_automation, print_automation, action, original_action):
# 20240202:
# Check if already have full path to automation and if not, try to detect it
delayed_help = False
path_to_automation = automation.full_path
import inspect
automation_module = inspect.getmodule(automation)
path_to_automation = inspect.getfile(automation_module)
actions_with_help = automation.meta.get('actions_with_help', [])
if action in actions_with_help:
delayed_help = True
api_prefix_0 = 'Path to the internal CM automation code: {}'.format(path_to_automation)
r=utils.find_api(path_to_automation, action)
if r['return']>0:
if r['return']==16:
# Check in default automation
path_to_common_automation = inspect.getfile(inspect.getmodule(common_automation))
if path_to_common_automation == path_to_automation:
print (api_prefix_0)
return r
r=utils.find_api(path_to_common_automation, original_action)
if r['return']>0:
print (api_prefix_0)
return r
api = r['api']
api_prefix = 'Python API (add -- to keys if used from the command line):'
if not delayed_help:
print (api_prefix_0)
print ('')
print (api_prefix)
print ('')
print (api)
rr = {'return':0, 'help':api}
if delayed_help:
rr['delayed_help'] = True
rr['help_prefix'] = api_prefix
rr['help_prefix_0'] = api_prefix_0
return rr
def access(i):
Automatically initialize CM and run automations
without the need to initialize and customize CM class.
Useful for Python automation scripts.
See CM.access function for more details.
global cm
if cm is None:
return cm.access(i)
def error(i):
Automatically initialize CM and print error if needed
without the need to initialize and customize CM class.
Useful for Python automation scripts.
See CM.error function for more details.
global cm
if cm is None:
return cm.error(i)
def halt(i):
Automatically initialize CM, print error and halt if needed
without the need to initialize and customize CM class.
Useful for Python automation scripts.
See CM.halt function for more details.
global cm
if cm is None:
return cm.halt(i)
def get_version():
Get CM version.
(CM return dict):
* return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
* (error) (str): error string if return>0
* version (str): CM version
r = {'return':0}
import cmind
version = cmind.__version__
r['version'] = version
return r