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Added by: Grigori Fursin
Date: 2015-02-24 10:12:51.967000
License: See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details
Module: os
Repo: ck-env
CID (DOI-like distributed ID): 0440cb72c2bc5cc6:4258b5fe54828a50
Tags: os,linux,standard

Cross-linking (dependencies):

  "batch_bash_prefix": "#! /bin/bash\n", 
  "batch_check_if_set": "if [ \"$1\" != \"1\" ]; then if [ \"$$#ck_var#$\" == \"1\" ]; then return; fi; fi\n", 
  "batch_exit": "exit $#return_code#$", 
  "batch_prefix": "#! /bin/bash\n# CK generated script\n", 
  "bin_prefix": "./", 
  "bits": "64", 
  "bits_all": [
  "change_dir": "cd", 
  "ck_name": "linux", 
  "ck_name2": "linux", 
  "ck_name3": "linux", 
  "cmd_for_detached_console": "xterm -hold -e \"$#cmd#$\"", 
  "delete_file": "rm ", 
  "dir_sep": "/", 
  "env_call": ".", 
  "env_dollar_if_remote": "yes", 
  "env_quotes": "\"", 
  "env_quotes_if_remote": "\"", 
  "env_quotes_if_space": "\"", 
  "env_quotes_if_space_in_call": "\"", 
  "env_separator": ";", 
  "env_set": "export", 
  "env_var_extra1": "{", 
  "env_var_extra2": "}", 
  "env_var_separator": ":", 
  "env_var_start": "$", 
  "env_var_stop": "", 
  "exec_prefix": "./", 
  "extract_package": {
    ".tar.bz2": "rm -f $#cm_file_without_one_ext#$ ; bzip2 -d $#cm_file#$ ; tar xvf $#cm_file_without_one_ext#$; rm -f $#cm_file_without_one_ext#$", 
    ".tar.gz": "rm -f $#cm_file_without_one_ext#$ ; gzip -d $#cm_file#$ ; tar xvf $#cm_file_without_one_ext#$; rm -f $#cm_file_without_one_ext#$", 
    ".zip": "unzip -q -o $#cm_file#$ ; rm -f $#cm_file#$"
  "family": "linux", 
  "file_extensions": {
    "dll": ".so", 
    "exe": ".out", 
    "java_class": ".class", 
    "java_lib": ".jar", 
    "lib": ".a"
  "generic": "yes", 
  "host_file_extensions": {
    "exe2": ""
  "html_for_detached_console": "\r\n\r\n \r\nConsole was detached. This window can be closed!\r\n\r\n", 
  "interpreter": "sh", 
  "lib_dir": "lib64", 
  "make_dir": "mkdir -p ", 
  "md5sum": "md5sum", 
  "name": "unix", 
  "priority": "yes", 
  "processor": "x64", 
  "quit_if_error": "er=$?; if [ $er != 0 ]; then exit $er; fi", 
  "redirect_stderr": "2>", 
  "redirect_stderr_aggr": "2>>", 
  "redirect_stderr_with_stdout": "2>>&1", 
  "redirect_stdout": ">", 
  "redirect_stdout_aggr": ">>", 
  "rem": "#", 
  "remote_env_set": [
  "script_ext": ".sh", 
  "script_get_gpu_frequency": "ck-print-gpu-freq", 
  "script_set_cpu_freq": "ck-set-cpu-online-and-frequency $#freq#$", 
  "script_set_gpu_freq": "ck-set-gpu-online-and-frequency $#freq#$", 
  "script_set_max_cpu_freq": "ck-set-cpu-performance", 
  "script_set_max_gpu_freq": "ck-set-gpu-performance", 
  "script_set_min_cpu_freq": "ck-set-cpu-powersave", 
  "script_set_min_gpu_freq": "ck-set-gpu-powersave", 
  "script_set_ondemand_cpu_freq": "ck-set-cpu-ondemand", 
  "script_set_ondemand_gpu_freq": "ck-set-gpu-ondemand", 
  "script_start_power_monitor": "ck-set-power-sensors 1", 
  "script_stop_power_monitor": "ck-set-power-sensors 0", 
  "set_affinity": "taskset -c $#ck_affinity#$", 
  "set_executable": "chmod 755", 
  "sudo_init": "sudo echo sudo_init...", 
  "sudo_post": "sudo chown -R $USER:$USER ", 
  "sudo_pre": "sudo ", 
  "suppress_output": "> /dev/null", 
  "tags": [
  "use_bash_to_run": "bash -c \"$#cmd#$\""

API desc:

If you notice copyrighted, inappropriate or illegal content that should not be here, please report us as soon as possible and we will try to remove it within 48hours!

Developed by Grigori Fursin           
Implemented as a CK workflow
                      Hosted at