{ "apk": { "name": "com.skype.raider" }, "backup_data_uid": "aa81cc48dee40cf9", "ck_to_env": { "CK_WA_SCRIPTS_PATH": "script:39157fb314f399ae" }, "clean_dirs": [ "wa_output" ], "data_name": "WA workload: skype", "deps": { "wa": { "env_key": "WA", "force_target_as_host": "yes", "local": "yes", "name": "ARM Workload Automation", "sort": 10, "tags": "tool,wa" } }, "no_compile": "yes", "no_target_file": "yes", "params": { "action": { "allowed_values": [ "voice", "video" ], "default": "voice", "desc": "Action to take - either voice call (default) or video", "kind": "str", "mandatory": null, "type": "str" }, "check_abi": { "allowed_values": null, "default": false, "desc": "If ``True``, workload will check that the APK matches the target device ABI, otherwise any APK found will be used.", "kind": "boolean", "mandatory": null, "type": "boolean" }, "check_apk": { "allowed_values": null, "default": true, "desc": "When set to True the APK file on the host will be prefered if it is a valid version and ABI, if not it will fall back to the version on the targer. When set to False the target version is prefered.", "kind": "boolean", "mandatory": null, "type": "boolean" }, "clean_assets": { "allowed_values": null, "default": false, "desc": "If ``True`` pushed assets will be deleted at the end of each iteration", "kind": "boolean", "mandatory": null, "type": "boolean" }, "contact_name": { "allowed_values": null, "default": "Echo / Sound Test Service", "desc": "This is the contact display name as it appears in the people list", "kind": "str", "mandatory": null, "type": "str" }, "duration": { "allowed_values": null, "default": 10, "desc": "This is the duration of the call in seconds", "kind": "integer", "mandatory": null, "type": "integer" }, "force_install": { "allowed_values": null, "default": false, "desc": "Always re-install the APK, even if matching version is found already installed on the device. Runs ``adb install -r`` to ensure existing APK is replaced. When this is set, check_apk is ignored.", "kind": "boolean", "mandatory": null, "type": "boolean" }, "force_push_assets": { "allowed_values": null, "default": false, "desc": "If ``True`` always push assets on each iteration, even if the assets already exists in the device path", "kind": "boolean", "mandatory": null, "type": "boolean" }, "install_timeout": { "allowed_values": null, "default": 300, "desc": "Timeout for the installation of the apk.", "kind": "integer", "mandatory": null, "type": "integer" }, "login_name": { "allowed_values": null, "default": null, "desc": "Account to use when logging into the device from which the call will be made", "kind": "str", "mandatory": true, "type": "str" }, "login_pass": { "allowed_values": null, "default": null, "desc": "Password associated with the account to log into the device", "kind": "str", "mandatory": true, "type": "str" }, "markers_enabled": { "allowed_values": null, "default": false, "desc": "If ``True``, UX_PERF action markers will be emitted to logcat during the test run.", "kind": "boolean", "mandatory": null, "type": "boolean" }, "modules": { "allowed_values": null, "default": null, "desc": "Lists the modules to be loaded by this extension. A module is a plug-in that further extends functionality of an extension.", "kind": "list", "mandatory": null, "type": "list" }, "uninstall_apk": { "allowed_values": null, "default": false, "desc": "If ``True``, will uninstall workload's APK as part of teardown.", "kind": "boolean", "mandatory": null, "type": "boolean" } }, "print_files_after_run": [ "tmp-output2.tmp", "wa_output/status.txt", "wa_output/skype_1_1/result.txt" ], "process_in_tmp": "yes", "program": "yes", "required_device_access_type": [ "wa_android", "wa_linux" ], "run_cmds": { "default": { "ignore_return_code": "no", "run_time": { "fine_grain_timer_file": "tmp-ck-timer.json", "post_process_cmds": [ "python $<>$$#dir_sep#$postprocess_workload.py" ], "post_process_via_ck": "yes", "pre_process_via_ck": { "data_uoa": "process-wa", "module_uoa": "script", "script_name": "preprocess_workload" }, "run_cmd_main": "wa run $<>$", "run_cmd_out1": "tmp-output1.tmp", "run_cmd_out2": "tmp-output2.tmp", "run_output_files": [] } } }, "run_via_third_party": "yes", "tags": [ "wa", "workload-automation", "skype" ], "wa_alias": "skype", "wa_desc": "A workload to perform standard productivity tasks within Skype. The workload logs in to the Skype application, selects a recipient from the contacts list and then initiates either a voice or video call" }