18 with optimization results
for GCC 7.1.0 also confirms that this version was considerably improved
in comparison with GCC 4.9.2
(latest live results are available in our public optimization repository
at this
there are fewer efficient optimization solutions found during crowd-tuning
14 vs 23 showing the overall improvement of the
optimization level.
Nevertheless, GCC 7.1.0 still misses many optimization opportunities
simply because our long-term experience suggests that it is infeasible
to prepare one universal and efficient optimization heuristics
with good multi-objective trade-offs for all continuously
evolving programs, data sets, libraries, optimizations and platforms.
That is why we hope that our approach of combining a common workflow framework
adaptable to software and hardware changes, public repository of optimization knowledge,
universal and collaborative autotuning across multiple hardware platforms
(e.g. provided by volunteers or by HPC providers), and community involvement
should help make optimization and testing of compilers
more automatic and sustainable [6, 35].
Rather than spending considerable amount of time on writing their own autotuning and crowd-tuning
frameworks, students and researchers can quickly reuse shared workflows,
reproduce and learn already existing optimizations, try to improve optimization heuristics,
and validate their results by the community.
Since CK automatically adapts to a user environment, it is also possible
to reproduce the same bug using a different compiler version.
Compiling the same program with the same combination of flags on the same platform
using GCC 7.1.0 showed that this bug has been fixed in the latest compiler.
We hope that our extensible and portable benchmarking workflow will help students and engineers
prototype and crowdsource different types of fuzzers.
It may also assist even existing projects [81, 82]
to crowdsource fuzzing across diverse platforms and workloads.
For example, we collaborate with colleagues from Imperial College London
to develop CK-based, continuous and collaborative OpenGL and OpenCL compiler
fuzzers [83, 84, 85]
while aggregating results from users in public or private repositories
( link to public OpenCL fuzzing results across diverse desktop and mobile platforms).
To demonstrate our approach, we converted all our past research artifacts
on machine learning based optimization and SW/HW co-design
to CK modules.
We then assembled them to a universal Collective Knowledge workflow
shown in Figure 28.
If you do not know about machine learning based compiler optimizations,
we suggest that you start from our MILEPOST GCC paper [24]
to make yourself familiar with terminology
and methodology for machine learning training
and prediction used further.
Next, we will briefly demonstrate the use of this customizable workflow
to continuously classify shared workloads presented in this report
in terms of the most efficient compiler optimizations
while using MILEPOST models and features.
Note that our CK crowd-tuning workflow also continuously applies
such optimization to all shared workloads.
This allows us to analyze "reaction" of any given workload
to all most efficient optimizations.
We can then group together those workloads which exhibit similar reactions.
Having such groups of labeled objects (where labels are the most efficient optimizations
and objects are workloads) allows us to use standard machine learning classification methodology.
One must find such a set of objects' features and a model which maximizes
correct labeling of previously unseen objects, or in our cases can correctly predict
the most efficient software optimization and hardware design for a given workload.
As example, we extracted 56 so-called MILEPOST features described in [24]
(static program properties extracted from GCC's intermediate representation)
from all shared programs, stored them in program.static.features,
and applied simple nearest neighbor classifier to above data.
We then evaluated the quality of such model (ability to predict) using prediction accuracy
during standard leave-one-out cross-validation technique: for each workload we remove it
from the training set, build a model, validate predictions, sum up all correct predictions
and divide by the total number of workloads.
Though relatively low, this number can now become a
reference point to be further improved by the community.
It is similar in spirit to the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Competition
(ILSVRC) [89]
which reduced image classification error rate from 25%
in 2011 to just a few percent with the help of the community.
Furthermore, we can also keep just a few representative
workloads for each representative group as well as misclassified ones in
a public repository thus producing a minimized, realistic and
representative training set for systems researchers.
For a proof-of-concept of such collaborative learning approach,
we shared a number of customizable CK modules (see ck search module:*model*)
for several popular classifiers including the nearest neighbor,
decision trees and deep learning.
These modules serve as wrappers with a common CK API for
TensorFlow, scikit-learn, R and other machine learning frameworks.
We also shared several feature extractors (see ck search module:*features*)
assembling the following groups of program features
which may influence predictions:
We then attempted to autotune various parameters
of machine learning algorithms exposed via CK API.
Figure 31
shows an example of autotuning the depth of a decision tree
(available as customizable CK plugin) with all shared groups of features
and its impact on prediction accuracy of compiler flags using MILEPOST
features from the previous section for GCC 4.9.2 and GCC 7.1.0
on RPi3.
Blue round dots obtained using leave-one-out validation suggest
that decision trees of depth 8 and 4 are enough
to achieve maximum prediction accuracy of 0.4% for GCC 4.9.2
and GCC 7.1.0 respectively.
Model autotuning thus helped improve prediction accuracy in comparison
with the original nearest neighbor classifier from the MILEPOST project.
Turning off cross-validation can also help developers understand
how well models can perform on all available workloads (in-sample data)
(red dots on Figure 31).
In our case of GCC 7.1.0, the decision tree of depth 15 shown in Figure 32)
is enough to capture all compiler optimizations for 300 available workloads.
To complete our demonstration of CK concepts for collaborative machine learning and optimization,
we also evaluated a deep learning based classifier from TensorFlow [102]
(see ck help module:model.tf)
with 4 random configurations of hidden layers ([10,20,10], [21,13,21], [11,30,18,20,13], [17])
and training steps (300..3000).
We also evaluated the nearest neighbor classifier used in the MILEPOST project but with different groups of features
and aggregated all results in Table 5.
Finally, we automatically reduced the complexity of the nearest neighbor classifier (1) by iteratively removing those features one by one
which do not degrade prediction accuracy and (2) by iteratively adding features one by one to maximize prediction accuracy.
It is interesting to note that our nearest neighbor classifier achieves
a slightly better prediction accuracy with a reduced feature set than with
a full set of features showing inequality of MILEPOST features
and overfitting.
As expected, deep learning classification achieves a better prediction accuracy of 0.68%
and 0.45% for GCC 4.9.2 and GCC 7.1.0 respectively for RPi3 among currently shared models,
features, workloads and optimizations.
However, since deep learning models are so much more computationally intensive, resource hungry
and difficult to interpret than decision trees, one must carefully balance accuracy vs speed vs size.
That is why we suggest to use hierarchical models where
high-level and coarse-grain program behavior is quickly captured
using decision trees, while all fine-grain behavior is captured
by deep learning and similar techniques.
Another possible use of deep learning can be in automatically capturing
influential features from the source code, data sets and hardware.
All these data sets will be immediately visible to all related programs
via the CK autotuning workflow.
For example, if we now run susan corners program, CK will prompt user
a choice of 20 related images from the above data sets:
Next, we can apply all most efficient compiler optimizations
to a given program with all data sets.
Figure 33 shows such reactions
(ratio of an execution time with a given optimization to an execution time
with the default -O3 compiler optimization) of a jpeg decoder across
20 different jpeg images from the above MiDataSet on RPi3.
One can observe that the same combination of compiler flags can both
considerably improve or degrade execution time for the same program
but across different data sets.
For example, data sets 4,5,13,16 and 17 can benefit from the most
efficient combination of compiler flags found by the community
with speedups ranging from 1.2 to 1.7.
On the other hand, it's better to run all other data sets with
the default -O3 optimization level.
Unfortunately, finding data set and other features which could easily differentiate
above optimizations is often very challenging.
Even deep learning may not help if a feature is not yet exposed.
We explain this issue in [6]
when optimizing real B&W filter kernel - we managed to improve
predictions by exposing a "time of the day" feature
only via human intervention.
However, yet again, the CK concept is to bring the interdisciplinary
community on board to share such cases in a reproducible way
and then collaboratively find various features to improve predictions.
Another aspect which can influence the quality of predictive models,
is that the same combinations of compiler flags are too coarse-grain
and can make different internal optimization decisions
for different programs.
Therefore, we need to have an access to fine-grain optimizations
(inlining, tiling, unrolling, vectorization, prefetching, etc)
and related features to continue improving our models.
However, this follows our top-down optimization and modeling methodology
which we implemented in the Collective Knowledge framework.
We want first to analyze, optimize and model coarse-grain behavior of shared workloads
together with the community and students while gradually adding more workloads,
data sets, models and platforms.
Only when we reached the limit of prediction accuracy,
we start gradually exposing finer-grain optimizations
and features via extensible CK JSON interface
while avoiding explosion in design and optimization spaces
(see details in [4] for our previous
version of the workflow framework, Collective Mind).
This is much in spirit of how physicists moved from Newton's
three coarse-grain laws of motion to fine-grain quantum mechanics.
To demonstrate this approach, we shared a simple skeletonized
matrix multiply kernel from [104] in the CK format
with blocking (tiling) parameter and data set feature
(square matrix size) exposed via CK API:
We can then reuse universal autotuning (exploration) strategies
available as CK modules or implement specialized ones to explore
exposed fine-grain optimizations versus different data sets.
Figure 34 shows matmul performance
in GFLOPS during random exploration of a blocking parameter for different square
matrix sizes on RPi3.
These results are in line with multiple past studies showing that
unblocked matmul is more efficient for small matrix sizes (less than 32
on RPi3) since all data fits cache, or between 32 and 512 (on RPi3)
if they are not power of 2.
In contrast, the tiled matmul is better on RPi3 for matrix sizes of power of 2 between 32 and 512,
since it can help reduce cache conflict misses, and for all matrix sizes more than 512
where tiling can help optimize access to slow main memory.
Our customizable workflow can help teach students how to build efficient,
adaptive and self-optimizing libraries including BLAS, neural networks and FFT.
Such libraries are assembled from the most efficient routines
found during continuous crowd-tuning across numerous data sets and platforms,
and combined with fast and automatically generated decision trees
or other more precise classifiers [105, 106, 107, 6].
The most efficient routines are then selected at run-time
depending on data set, hardware and other features as conceptually shown
in Figure 35..
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