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Added by: Grigori Fursin
Date: 2015-01-28 08:47:33.843000
License: See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details
Module: module
Repo: ck-autotuning
CID (DOI-like distributed ID): 032630d041b4fd8a:b0ac08fe1d3c2615

__pycache__/module.cpython-35.pyc    (159KB)    (268KB)
module.pyc    (170KB)

Cross-linking (dependencies):

  "actions": {
    "add": {
      "desc": "add program with templates"
    "autotune": {
      "desc": "universal, multi-objective, multi-dimensional software/hardware autotuning"
    "benchmark": {
      "desc": "benchmark program (run autotune with 1 iteration and full environment setup)"
    "clean": {
      "desc": "clean temporal files and directories of a given program"
    "clean_tmp": {
      "desc": "clean all tmp directories"
    "compile": {
      "desc": "compile a given program"
    "copy": {
      "desc": "copy program"
    "cp": {
      "desc": "copy program"
    "crowdtune": {
      "desc": "crowdtune program"
    "find_output": {
      "desc": "find program output entry"
    "pipeline": {
      "desc": "universal program compilation and execution pipeline (workflow)"
    "prepare_table_with_results": {
      "desc": "prepare HTML/TEX table with results"
    "process_in_dir": {
      "desc": "process program in a given directory (clean, compile or run)"
    "run": {
      "desc": "run a given program"
    "select_uoa": {
      "desc": "select program UOA in console mode"
    "show": {
      "desc": "show all programs (workflows)", 
      "for_web": "yes"
    "substitute_some_ck_keys": {
      "desc": "substitute some CK reserved keys"
    "xcrowdtune": {
      "desc": "crowdtune programs via list"
  "calibration_max": "10", 
  "calibration_time": "4.0", 
  "clean_cmds": {
    "linux": "rm -rf tmp* *.out *.exe *.manifest *.obj *.o *.lib *.a *.dll *.so *.s *.asm *.i *.I *.tmp *.bc *.ll *.class *.jar", 
    "win": "del /F /Q tmp* *.out *.exe *.manifest *.obj *.o *.lib *.a *.dll *.so *.s *.asm *.i *.I *.tmp *.bc *.ll *.class *.jar"
  "clean_vars_in_output": [
  "compile_cmds": {
    "default": {
      "cmd": "$#compiler#$ $#flags_before#$ $#source_file#$ $#flags_after#$"
  "copyright": "See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details", 
  "data_deps": {
    "mali_hwc": "4065ab1b40dbe027"
  "deps_file": "tmp-deps.json", 
  "desc": "program compilation and execution workflow (pipeline)", 
  "developer": "Grigori Fursin", 
  "developer_email": "", 
  "developer_webpage": "", 
  "gprof_file": "gmon.out", 
  "internal_keys": [
  "license": "See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details", 
  "link_cmds": {
    "default": {
      "cmd": "$#linker#$ $#flags_before#$ $#obj_files#$ $#flags_after#$"
  "module_deps": {
    "apk": "eb4ec9907982260a", 
    "choice": "e4564d6f984400d7", 
    "compiler": "36ebc331048475bb", 
    "dataset": "8a7141c59cd335f5", 
    "dataset.features": "87b55c4f4a2482da", 
    "env": "9b9b3208ac44b891", 
    "experiment": "bc0409fb61f0aa82", 
    "machine": "84be34883a81b2a9", 
    "math.variation": "d3b13388e6152da7", 
    "misc": "cddc5e04b0da610e", 
    "module": "032630d041b4fd8a", 
    "pipeline": "db25414b48b4ffb3", 
    "platform": "707ccdfe444cafac", 
    "platform.cpu": "aa6b542a420b8db9", 
    "platform.gpgpu": "192ed4e0bbdbe743", 
    "platform.gpu": "55ec7775f4afaabd", 
    "platform.os": "41e31cc4496b8a8e", 
    "program.output": "e4c1d9d3f0acf094", 
    "repo": "befd7892b0d469e9", 
    "script": "84e27ad9dd12e734", 
    "soft": "5e1100048ab875d7", 
    "table": "2884ee69eaefe71e"
  "module_program_optimization": "program.optimization", 
  "pipeline": "yes", 
  "repo_deps": {
    "reproduce-milepost-project": "9482c22d7601b0df"
  "target_file": "a", 
  "workflow": "yes", 
  "workflow_type": "program compilation, execution and validation pipeline (workflow)"

API desc:
  "pipeline_desc": {
    "##characteristics#compile#binary_size#min": {
      "desc": "Total binary size (bytes)", 
      "type": "integer"
    "##characteristics#compile#joined_compiler_flags#min": {
      "desc": "Compiler flags", 
      "type": "string"
    "##characteristics#compile#md5_sum#min": {
      "desc": "Code MD5", 
      "type": "integer"
    "##characteristics#compile#md5_sum#min_imp": {
      "desc": "Code MD5 change (0 - changed)", 
      "type": "integer"
    "##characteristics#compile#obj_size#min": {
      "desc": "Code size (bytes)", 
      "type": "integer"
    "##characteristics#compile#obj_size#min_imp": {
      "desc": "Code size improvement", 
      "type": "float"
    "##characteristics#run#execution_time_kernel_0#exp": {
      "desc": "Main kernel execution time (sec.) [exp]", 
      "type": "float"
    "##characteristics#run#execution_time_kernel_0#exp_imp": {
      "desc": "Main kernel execution time speedup [exp]", 
      "type": "float"
    "##characteristics#run#execution_time_kernel_0#max": {
      "desc": "Main kernel execution time (sec.) [max]", 
      "type": "float"
    "##characteristics#run#execution_time_kernel_0#min": {
      "desc": "Main kernel execution time (sec.) [min]", 
      "type": "float"
    "##characteristics#run#execution_time_kernel_0#min_imp": {
      "desc": "Main kernel execution time speedup [min]", 
      "type": "float"
    "##characteristics#run#execution_time_kernel_0#range_percent": {
      "desc": "Main kernel execution time variation (%)", 
      "type": "float"

If you notice copyrighted, inappropriate or illegal content that should not be here, please report us as soon as possible and we will try to remove it within 48hours!

Developed by Grigori Fursin           
Implemented as a CK workflow
                      Hosted at