{ "actions": { "add": { "desc": "add program with templates" }, "autotune": { "desc": "universal, multi-objective, multi-dimensional software/hardware autotuning" }, "benchmark": { "desc": "benchmark program (run autotune with 1 iteration and full environment setup)" }, "clean": { "desc": "clean temporal files and directories of a given program" }, "clean_tmp": { "desc": "clean all tmp directories" }, "compile": { "desc": "compile a given program" }, "copy": { "desc": "copy program" }, "cp": { "desc": "copy program" }, "crowdtune": { "desc": "crowdtune program" }, "find_output": { "desc": "find program output entry" }, "pipeline": { "desc": "universal program compilation and execution pipeline (workflow)" }, "prepare_table_with_results": { "desc": "prepare HTML/TEX table with results" }, "process_in_dir": { "desc": "process program in a given directory (clean, compile or run)" }, "run": { "desc": "run a given program" }, "select_uoa": { "desc": "select program UOA in console mode" }, "show": { "desc": "show all programs (workflows)", "for_web": "yes" }, "substitute_some_ck_keys": { "desc": "substitute some CK reserved keys" }, "xcrowdtune": { "desc": "crowdtune programs via list" } }, "calibration_max": "10", "calibration_time": "4.0", "clean_cmds": { "linux": "rm -rf tmp* *.out *.exe *.manifest *.obj *.o *.lib *.a *.dll *.so *.s *.asm *.i *.I *.tmp *.bc *.ll *.class *.jar", "win": "del /F /Q tmp* *.out *.exe *.manifest *.obj *.o *.lib *.a *.dll *.so *.s *.asm *.i *.I *.tmp *.bc *.ll *.class *.jar" }, "clean_vars_in_output": [ "skip_device_init", "skip_info_collection", "static", "dynamic", "cid", "cids", "xcids", "tmp", "out", "prepare", "action", "save_to_file", "module_uoa" ], "compile_cmds": { "default": { "cmd": "$#compiler#$ $#flags_before#$ $#source_file#$ $#flags_after#$" } }, "copyright": "See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details", "data_deps": { "mali_hwc": "4065ab1b40dbe027" }, "deps_file": "tmp-deps.json", "desc": "program compilation and execution workflow (pipeline)", "developer": "Grigori Fursin", "developer_email": "Grigori.Fursin@cTuning.org", "developer_webpage": "http://fursin.net", "gprof_file": "gmon.out", "internal_keys": [ "action", "repo_uoa", "module_uoa", "data_uoa", "cid", "cids", "cid1", "cid2", "cid3", "xcids", "unparsed_cmd", "con_encoding", "ck_profile", "out", "out_file" ], "license": "See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details", "link_cmds": { "default": { "cmd": "$#linker#$ $#flags_before#$ $#obj_files#$ $#flags_after#$" } }, "module_deps": { "apk": "eb4ec9907982260a", "choice": "e4564d6f984400d7", "compiler": "36ebc331048475bb", "dataset": "8a7141c59cd335f5", "dataset.features": "87b55c4f4a2482da", "env": "9b9b3208ac44b891", "experiment": "bc0409fb61f0aa82", "machine": "84be34883a81b2a9", "math.variation": "d3b13388e6152da7", "misc": "cddc5e04b0da610e", "module": "032630d041b4fd8a", "pipeline": "db25414b48b4ffb3", "platform": "707ccdfe444cafac", "platform.cpu": "aa6b542a420b8db9", "platform.gpgpu": "192ed4e0bbdbe743", "platform.gpu": "55ec7775f4afaabd", "platform.os": "41e31cc4496b8a8e", "program.output": "e4c1d9d3f0acf094", "repo": "befd7892b0d469e9", "script": "84e27ad9dd12e734", "soft": "5e1100048ab875d7", "table": "2884ee69eaefe71e" }, "module_program_optimization": "program.optimization", "pipeline": "yes", "repo_deps": { "reproduce-milepost-project": "9482c22d7601b0df" }, "target_file": "a", "workflow": "yes", "workflow_type": "program compilation, execution and validation pipeline (workflow)" }
{ "pipeline_desc": { "##characteristics#compile#binary_size#min": { "desc": "Total binary size (bytes)", "type": "integer" }, "##characteristics#compile#joined_compiler_flags#min": { "desc": "Compiler flags", "type": "string" }, "##characteristics#compile#md5_sum#min": { "desc": "Code MD5", "type": "integer" }, "##characteristics#compile#md5_sum#min_imp": { "desc": "Code MD5 change (0 - changed)", "type": "integer" }, "##characteristics#compile#obj_size#min": { "desc": "Code size (bytes)", "type": "integer" }, "##characteristics#compile#obj_size#min_imp": { "desc": "Code size improvement", "type": "float" }, "##characteristics#run#execution_time_kernel_0#exp": { "desc": "Main kernel execution time (sec.) [exp]", "type": "float" }, "##characteristics#run#execution_time_kernel_0#exp_imp": { "desc": "Main kernel execution time speedup [exp]", "type": "float" }, "##characteristics#run#execution_time_kernel_0#max": { "desc": "Main kernel execution time (sec.) [max]", "type": "float" }, "##characteristics#run#execution_time_kernel_0#min": { "desc": "Main kernel execution time (sec.) [min]", "type": "float" }, "##characteristics#run#execution_time_kernel_0#min_imp": { "desc": "Main kernel execution time speedup [min]", "type": "float" }, "##characteristics#run#execution_time_kernel_0#range_percent": { "desc": "Main kernel execution time variation (%)", "type": "float" } } }