{ "acceptance": "acceptance rate=20$#cm_cv_percent#$ (17/84)", "authors": [ { "name": "0728a400aa1c86fe" }, { "name": "e58fbedc23c45278" }, { "name": "cc58cd93d4412b9b" }, { "name": "785a4f3eee3f609d" } ], "bib": "@inproceedings{29db2248aba45e59:5e16c10fa43f8bb4,\n author = {Fursin, Grigori and Cohen, Albert and O'Boyle, Michael F. P. and Temam, Olivier},\n title = {A practical method for quickly evaluating program optimizations},\n booktitle = {Proceedings of the First international conference on High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers},\n series = {HiPEAC'05},\n year = {2005},\n isbn = {3-540-30317-0, 978-3-540-30317-6},\n location = {Barcelona, Spain},\n pages = {29--46},\n numpages = {18},\n url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11587514_4},\n doi = {10.1007/11587514_4},\n acmid = {2129333},\n publisher = {Springer-Verlag},\n address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},\n}\n\n", "bib_parsed": { "_code": "Fursin2005p2946", "_type": "inproceedings", "acmid": "2129333", "address": "Berlin, Heidelberg", "author": [ [ "", "Fursin", "Grigori", "" ], [ "", "Cohen", "Albert", "" ], [ "", "O'Boyle", "Michael F. P.", "" ], [ "", "Temam", "Olivier", "" ] ], "booktitle": "Proceedings of the First international conference on High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers", "doi": "10.1007/11587514_4", "firstpage": "29–46", "isbn": "3-540-30317-0, 978-3-540-30317-6", "lastpage": "", "location": "Barcelona, Spain", "numpages": "18", "publisher": "Springer-Verlag", "series": "HiPEAC'05", "title": "A practical method for quickly evaluating program optimizations", "url": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11587514_4", "year": "2005" }, "bib_ref": "cm:29db2248aba45e59:5e16c10fa43f8bb4", "document_urls": [ "http://hal.inria.fr/docs/00/05/61/14/PDF/fcop05.pdf" ], "local_bib": "doc.bib", "local_doc": "doc.pdf", "notes": [ { "bold": "yes", "italic": "yes", "note": "Highest ranked paper [$#cm_5ae0ce43ceb4d73c_4434b24d5da3bac5#$]" }, { "italic": "yes", "note": "In this paper $#cm_cv_i2#$ introduced a novel concept to statically enable run-time optimizations and self-tuning binaries through code cloning and integrated low-overhead program/system behaviour monitoring plugin that can evaluate or select multiple optimization online using program phases [$#cm_e84a25bcb528c798_b085ae81345e4452#$]. It has been referenced in patents and extended in academia and industry. We utilized Interactive Compilation Interface for PathScale compiler with loop vectorization, tiling, unrolling, interchange, fission/fusion, pipelining, prefetching and array padding to make static binaries adaptable and reactive to various environments and run-time behaviour to improve execution time and power consumption. " }, { "italic": "yes", "note": "Presented ideas are now being used and extended by Google for data centers (cloud computing) to build adaptive applications and save energy [$#cm_c47ad9a552aa7e82_0dd07d427c84c0f6#$]" }, { "italic": "yes", "note": "Funded by [$#cm_5ae0ce43ceb4d73c_2d941ccdf19040d7#$, $#cm_c47ad9a552aa7e82_0dd07d427c84c0f6#$]" }, { "italic": "yes", "note": "Associated public software [$#cm_d76ac3bb9a3f744c_7452388ea89beed5#$, $#cm_d76ac3bb9a3f744c_30489f4f8a9c7b1d#$, $#cm_d76ac3bb9a3f744c_e86cc5214c0a90df#$]" }, { "italic": "yes", "note": "Multi-versioning support for adaptive appliations is now available in mainline GCC since version 4.8 [$#cm_c47ad9a552aa7e82_0dd07d427c84c0f6#$]" } ], "pages": "29-46", "place": "Barcelona, Spain", "publish_iso_date": "2005-01-01", "reproducible": "yes", "title": "A practical method for quickly evaluating program optimizations", "type": { "name": "conference", "peer_reviewed": "yes", "scope": "international" }, "when": "November 2005", "where": "Proceedings of the First International Conference on High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers (HiPEAC)" }