# Collective Mind configuration
# Author(s): Grigori Fursin
# Contributor(s):
# Copyright: https://github.com/mlcommons/ck/blob/master/COPYRIGHT.txt
# License: https://github.com/mlcommons/ck/blob/master/LICENSE.md
# History: https://github.com/mlcommons/ck/blob/master/HISTORY.CM.md
# White paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.16791
# Project contributors: https://github.com/mlcommons/ck/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
import os
class Config(object):
CM configuration class
def __init__(self, config_file = None):
Initialize CM configuration class
(config_file) (str): If not None, merge this file with the internal configuration
(python class) with the following vars:
* cfg (dict): internal CM configuration
self.cfg = {
"name": "cm",
"env_home": "CM_HOME",
"env_repos": "CM_REPOS",
"env_debug": "CM_DEBUG",
"env_config": "CM_CONFIG",
"env_index": "CM_INDEX",
"flag_debug": "cm-debug",
"flag_help": "h",
"flag_help2": "help",
"error_prefix": "CM error:",
"error_prefix2": "CMX detected a problem",
"info_cli": "cm {action} {automation} {artifact(s)} {flags} @input.yaml @input.json",
"info_clix": "cmx {action} {automation} {artifact(s)} {CMX control flags (-)} {CMX automation flags (--)}",
"default_home_dir": "CM",
"file_repos": "repos.json",
"dir_repos": "repos",
"cmind_repo": "repo",
"file_index": "index.json",
"file_meta_repo": "cmr",
"common_automation_module_name": "module",
"common_automation_module_namex": "modulex",
"action_substitutions": {
"new_repo_requirements": "cmind >= 3.1.0\n",
"local_repo_name": "local",
"local_repo_meta": {
"uid": "9a3280b14a4285c9",
"alias": "local",
"name": "local CM repository"
"default_repo_pack": "cm.zip",
"fail_if_automation_not_found": True,
"artifact_keys":['automation', 'artifact', 'parsed_automation', 'parsed_artifact']
# Attempt to update config from file if specified explicitly during initialization
# or specified by the environment variable
if config_file is None or config_file.strip() == '':
config_file = os.environ.get(self.cfg['env_config'])
if config_file is not None and config_file.strip() != '':
from cmind import utils
r = utils.load_json_or_yaml(config_file)
if r['return'] > 0:
# Raise here because it's an initializer of a class
raise Exception(r['error'])
meta = r.get('meta', {})