cmind package
cmind.artifact module
- class cmind.artifact.Artifact(cmind, path)[source]
CM artifact class
Initialize CM artifact class
- Parameters:
cmind (CM class)
path (str) – path to a CM artifact
- Returns:
(python class) with the following vars –
path (str): path to CM artifact
original_meta (dict): original meta description of this artifact without inheritance
meta (dict): meta description of this artifact after inheritance
- load(ignore_inheritance=False, base_recursion=0)[source]
Load CM artifact
- Parameters:
ignore_inheritance (bool) – if True ignore artifact meta description inheritance
base_recursion (int) – internal to avoid infinite recursion during inheritance
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
- update(meta, append_lists=True, replace=False, tags=[])[source]
Update CM artifact
- Parameters:
meta (dict) – new meta description
replace (bool) – if True, replace original meta description instead of merging
append_lists (bool) – if True and replace is False, append lists when merging meta descriptions instead of substituting
tags (list) – replace tags in meta
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
cmind.automation module
- class cmind.automation.Automation(cmind, automation_file)[source]
CM automation class
Initialize CM automation class
- Parameters:
cmind (CM class)
automation_file (str) – path to the CM automation Python module
- Returns:
(python class) with the following vars –
automation_file_path (str): full path to the CM automation Python module
path (str): directory with the CM automation
- add(i)[source]
Add CM artifact
- Parameters:
(CM input dict)
(out) (str) – if ‘con’, output to console
parsed_automation (list) – prepared in CM CLI or CM access function [ (automation alias, automation UID) ] or [ (automation alias, automation UID), (automation repo alias, automation repo UID) ]
parsed_artifact (list) – prepared in CM CLI or CM access function [ (artifact alias, artifact UID) ] or [ (artifact alias, artifact UID), (artifact repo alias, artifact repo UID) ]
meta (dict) – meta description of this artifact
(tags) (string or list) – tags to be added to meta
(new_tags) (string or list) – new tags to be added to meta (the same as tags)
(yaml) (bool) – if True, record YAML instead of JSON
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
meta (dict): final meta of the artifact
path (str): path to the created artifact
- copy(i)[source]
Copy CM artifact(s) either to a new artifact or to a new repository
- Parameters:
(CM input dict)
(out) (str) – if ‘con’, output to console
parsed_automation (list) – prepared in CM CLI or CM access function [ (automation alias, automation UID) ] or [ (automation alias, automation UID), (automation repo alias, automation repo UID) ]
parsed_artifact (list) – prepared in CM CLI or CM access function [ (artifact alias, artifact UID) ] or [ (artifact alias, artifact UID), (artifact repo alias, artifact repo UID) ]
parsed_artifacts (list) – prepared in CM CLI or CM access function - 1st entry has a new artifact name and repository: [ (artifact alias, artifact UID) ] or [ (artifact alias, artifact UID), (artifact repo alias, artifact repo UID) ]
new_tags (string) – add new tags (separated by comma) to new artifacts
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
list (list): list of copied CM artifacts
- delete(i)[source]
Delete CM artifact
- Parameters:
(CM input dict)
(out) (str) – if ‘con’, output to console
parsed_automation (list) – prepared in CM CLI or CM access function [ (automation alias, automation UID) ] or [ (automation alias, automation UID), (automation repo alias, automation repo UID) ]
parsed_artifact (list) – prepared in CM CLI or CM access function [ (artifact alias, artifact UID) ] or [ (artifact alias, artifact UID), (artifact repo alias, artifact repo UID) ]
(tags) (string or list) – optional tags to find artifacts
(force) (bool) – force deleting CM artifacts without asking a user
(f) (bool) – the same as “force”
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
deleted_list (list): a list of deleted CM artifacts
- info(i)[source]
Get info about artifacts
- Parameters:
(CM input dict)
(out) (str) – if ‘con’, output to console
parsed_automation (list) – prepared in CM CLI or CM access function [ (automation alias, automation UID) ] or [ (automation alias, automation UID), (automation repo alias, automation repo UID) ]
parsed_artifact (list) – prepared in CM CLI or CM access function [ (artifact alias, artifact UID) ] or [ (artifact alias, artifact UID), (artifact repo alias, artifact repo UID) ]
parsed_artifacts (list) – prepared in CM CLI or CM access function - 1st entry has a new artifact name and repository: [ (artifact alias, artifact UID) ] or [ (artifact alias, artifact UID), (artifact repo alias, artifact repo UID) ]
(uid) (bool) – if True, copy CID in UID::UID format to clipboard
(md) (bool) – if True, copy CID in [](UID::UID) format to clipboard
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
list (list): list of CM artifacts
- load(i)[source]
Load CM artifact
- Parameters:
(CM input dict)
(out) (str) – if ‘con’, output to console
parsed_automation (list) – prepared in CM CLI or CM access function [ (automation alias, automation UID) ] or [ (automation alias, automation UID), (automation repo alias, automation repo UID) ]
parsed_artifact (list) – prepared in CM CLI or CM access function [ (artifact alias, artifact UID) ] or [ (artifact alias, artifact UID), (artifact repo alias, artifact repo UID) ]
(tags) (string or list) – optional tags to find artifacts
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
path (str): path to a loaded CM artifact
original_meta (dict): meta description of the loaded CM artifact before inheritance
meta (dict): meta description of the loaded CM artifact after inheritance
artifact (CM artifact object)
- move(i)[source]
Rename CM artifacts and/or move them to another CM repository.
- Parameters:
(CM input dict)
(out) (str) – if ‘con’, output to console
parsed_automation (list) – prepared in CM CLI or CM access function [ (automation alias, automation UID) ] or [ (automation alias, automation UID), (automation repo alias, automation repo UID) ]
parsed_artifact (list) – prepared in CM CLI or CM access function [ (artifact alias, artifact UID) ] or [ (artifact alias, artifact UID), (artifact repo alias, artifact repo UID) ]
parsed_artifacts (list) – prepared in CM CLI or CM access function - 1st entry has a new artifact name and repository: [ (artifact alias, artifact UID) ] or [ (artifact alias, artifact UID), (artifact repo alias, artifact repo UID) ]
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
list (list): list of renamed/moved CM artifacts
- search(i)[source]
Find CM artifacts (slow - we plan to accelerate it in the future using different indexing mechanisms)
- Parameters:
(CM input dict)
(out) (str) – if ‘con’, output to console
parsed_automation (list) – prepared in CM CLI or CM access function [ (automation alias, automation UID) ] or [ (automation alias, automation UID), (automation repo alias, automation repo UID) ]
parsed_artifact (list) – prepared in CM CLI or CM access function [ (artifact alias, artifact UID) ] or [ (artifact alias, artifact UID), (artifact repo alias, artifact repo UID) ]
ignore_inheritance (bool) – if ‘True’, ignore artifact meta description inheritance and just load meta to match UID/alias
(skip_index_search) (bool) – If True, skip indexing
(force_index_add) (bool) – If True, force index add (for reindexing)
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
list (list): list of CM artifact objects
- test(i)[source]
Test CM and print various info
- Parameters:
(CM input dict)
(out) (str) – if ‘con’, output to console
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
- update(i)[source]
Update CM artifact.
- Note: not thread safe - we expect one pipeline running on a system
can make it thread safe when needed (similar to CK)
- Parameters:
(CM input dict)
(out) (str) – if ‘con’, output to console
parsed_automation (list) – prepared in CM CLI or CM access function [ (automation alias, automation UID) ] or [ (automation alias, automation UID), (automation repo alias, automation repo UID) ]
parsed_artifact (list) – prepared in CM CLI or CM access function [ (artifact alias, artifact UID) ] or [ (artifact alias, artifact UID), (artifact repo alias, artifact repo UID) ]
(search_tags) (string or list) – optional tags to find artifacts
(meta) (dict) – new meta description to be merged or to replace the original meta description of a CM artifact
(tags) (string or list) – tags to be added to meta
(replace) (bool) – if True, replace original meta description (False by default)
(force) (bool) – if True, force updates if more than 1 artifact found (False by default)
(replace_lists) (bool) – if True, replace lists in meta description rather than appending them (False by default)
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
list (list): list of updated CM artifacts
cmind.cli module
- cmind.cli.docker_script(argv=None)[source]
Shortcut to “cm docker script …”
CM command line format:
- Parameters:
argv (list | string) – command line arguments
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
Output from a CM automation action
- cmind.cli.gui_script(argv=None)[source]
Shortcut to “cm gui script …”
CM command line format:
- Parameters:
argv (list | string) – command line arguments
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
Output from a CM automation action
- cmind.cli.parse(cmd)[source]
Parse CM command line into CM input dictionary.
- Parameters:
cmd (str | list) – arguments as a string or list
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
cm_input (dict): CM unified input to the CM access function
- cmind.cli.parsex(cmd)[source]
Parse CM command line into CM input dictionary.
- Parameters:
cmd (str | list) – arguments as a string or list
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
cm_input (dict): CM unified input to the CM access function
Run CM automation actions from the command line.
CM command line format:
cm {action} {automation} (artifacts) (–flags) (@input.yaml) (@input.json)
- Parameters:
argv (list | string) – command line arguments
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
Output from a CM automation action
- cmind.cli.run_experiment(argv=None)[source]
Shortcut to “cm run experiment …”
CM command line format:
- Parameters:
argv (list | string) – command line arguments
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
Output from a CM automation action
- cmind.cli.run_script(argv=None)[source]
Shortcut to “cm run script …”
CM command line format:
- Parameters:
argv (list | string) – command line arguments
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
Output from a CM automation action
- cmind.cli.runx(argv=None)[source]
Run CM automation actions from the new command line.
CM command line format:
cm {action} {automation} (artifacts) (-params) (–inputs) (@input.yaml) (@input.json)
- Parameters:
argv (list | string) – command line arguments
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
Output from a CM automation action
- cmind.cli.split_flag(flag, array, value=None)[source]
Split flag key=value and add to array
- Parameters:
flag (str) – flag of format “key=value”
array (dict) – array where to accumulate flags
value (str) – if not None use it (for “-key value” flags)
- Returns:
key (str) – key value (str): value array (dict): updated array
cmind.config module
- class cmind.config.Config(config_file=None)[source]
CM configuration class
Initialize CM configuration class
- Parameters:
(config_file) (str) – If not None, merge this file with the internal configuration
- Returns:
(python class) with the following vars –
cfg (dict): internal CM configuration
cmind.core module
- class cmind.core.CM(repos_path='', debug=False)[source]
Main CM class
Initialize CM configuration class
- Parameters:
(repos_path) (str)
(debug) (bool) – instead of returning a dictionary with “return”>0.
- Returns:
(python class) with the following vars –
cfg (dict): internal CM configuration
debug (bool): debug state
repos_path (str): path to CM repositories and other information
path_to_cmind (str): path to the used CM toolkit
path_to_cmind_core_module (str): path to CM core module
path_to_cmind_repo (str): path to the “internal” CM repo
repos (list): list of initialized CM repository objects
common_automation (Automation class): initialized common automation with actions when a given automation is not found or doesn’t exist
output (str): value of –out during the first access to CM (to print errors, etc)
- access(i, out=None)[source]
Access CM automation actions in a unified way similar to micro-services. (Legacy. Further development in the new “x” function).
i (dict | str | argv): unified CM input
- Parameters:
(action) (str) – automation action
(automation (CM object) – CM automation in format (alias | UID | alias,UID) or (repo alias | repo UID | repo alias,UID):(alias | UID | alias,UID)
(artifact) (CM object) – CM artifact
(artifacts) (list of CM objects) – extra CM artifacts
(common) (bool) – if True, use common automation action from Automation class
(help) (bool) – if True, print CM automation action API
(ignore_inheritance) (bool) – if True, ignore inheritance when searching for artifacts and automations
(out) (str) – if ‘con’, tell automations and CM to output extra information to console
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
Output from a CM automation action
- embed_error(r)[source]
Embed module and line number to an error
- Parameters:
r (dict) – CM return dict
- Returns:
(dict) –
- r
return (int) error (str) module_path (str): path to module lineno (int): line number
- error(r)[source]
If r[‘return’]>0: print CM error and raise error if in debugging mode
- Parameters:
r (dict) – output from CM function with “return” and “error”
- Returns:
(dict) – r
- errorx(r)[source]
If r[‘return’]>0: print CM error and raise error if in debugging mode
- Parameters:
r (dict) – output from CM function with “return” and “error”
- Returns:
(dict) – r
- halt(r)[source]
If r[‘return’]>0: print CM error and raise error if in debugging mode or halt with “return” code
- Parameters:
r (dict) – output from CM function with “return” and “error”
- Returns:
(dict) – r
- log(s, t='info')[source]
- Parameters:
s (str) – log string
t (str) – log type - “info” (default) “debug” “warning” “error”
- Returns:
- prepare_error(returncode, error)[source]
Prepare error dictionary with the module and line number of an error
- Parameters:
returncode (int) – CMX returncode
error (str) – error message
- Returns:
(dict) –
- r
return (int) error (str) module_path (str): path to module lineno (int): line number
- x(i, out=None)[source]
New unified access to CM automation actions
- Parameters:
i (dict | str | argv) – unified CM input
(action) (str): automation action
- (automation (CM object): CM automation in format (alias | UID | alias,UID)
or (repo alias | repo UID | repo alias,UID):(alias | UID | alias,UID)
(artifact) (CM object): CM artifact
(artifacts) (list of CM objects): extra CM artifacts
Control flags starting with - :
(out) (str): if ‘con’, tell automations and CM to output extra information to console
(common) (bool): if True, use common automation action from Automation class
(help) (bool): if True, print CM automation action API
(ignore_inheritance) (bool): if True, ignore inheritance when searching for artifacts and automations
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
Output from a given CM automation action
- cmind.core.access(i)[source]
Automatically initialize CM and run automations without the need to initialize and customize CM class. Useful for Python automation scripts.
See cmind.CM.access function for more details.
- cmind.core.error(i)[source]
Automatically initialize CM and print error if needed without the need to initialize and customize CM class. Useful for Python automation scripts.
See CM.error function for more details.
- cmind.core.errorx(i)[source]
Automatically initialize CM and print error if needed without the need to initialize and customize CM class. Useful for Python automation scripts.
See CM.error function for more details.
- cmind.core.get_version()[source]
Get CM version.
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
version (str): CM version
- cmind.core.halt(i)[source]
Automatically initialize CM, print error and halt if needed without the need to initialize and customize CM class. Useful for Python automation scripts.
See CM.halt function for more details.
- cmind.core.parse_cm_object_and_check_current_dir(cmind, artifact)[source]
Internal function: parses CM object and check if there is ‘.’ to detect CM repository in a current directory.
- cmind.core.print_action_help(automation, common_automation, print_automation, action, original_action)[source]
cmind.index module
- class cmind.index.Index(path, cfg, meta={})[source]
CM index class
Initialize CM index class
- Parameters:
path (str) – path to directory with repos and index file
cfg (dict) – CM configuration
(meta) (dict) – CM index meta
- Returns:
(python class) with the following vars –
path (str): path to CM repositories and index file
meta (dict): CM index meta
- add(meta, path, repo, update=False, delete=False)[source]
Add to CM index
- Parameters:
meta (dict) – artifact meta
path (str) – artifact path
repo (tuple of str) – (alias, uid) of repo
update (bool) – force update
delete (bool) – delete instead of adding
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
- find(automation_name, artifact_obj, artifact_repo, pruned_repos, and_tags, no_tags)[source]
Find in CM index
- Parameters:
automation_name (tuple of str) – (alias, uid) of automation
artifact_obj (tuple of str) – (alias, uid) of artifact obj
artifact_repo (tuple of str of None) – if not None, use pruned_repos
pruned_repos (list of Repo classes) – pruned repos
and_tags (list of str) – AND tags
no_tags (list of str) – NO tags
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0 module
Web request to server to get release notes about components (for CK compatibility)
- Parameters:
CM input passed to API
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
version (str): CM version
string (str): returned string from the server
dict (dict): JSON string converted to dict (if possible)
cmind.repo module
- class cmind.repo.Repo(path, cfg)[source]
CM repository class
Initialize CM repository class
- Parameters:
path (str) – path to a CM repository
cfg (dict) – CM configuration
- Returns:
(python class) with the following vars –
path (str): path to a CM repository
path_prefix (str): use extra directory inside CM repository to keep CM artifacts
path_with_prefix (str): path to a CM repository if directory prefix is used
meta (dict): CM repository meta description
cmind.repos module
- class cmind.repos.Repos(path, cfg, path_to_internal_repo='', cmx=False)[source]
CM repositories class
Initialize CM repositories class
- Parameters:
path (str) – path to directory with repos.json where all paths of registered CM repositories are stored
cfg (dict) – CM configuration
(path_to_internal_repo) (str) – path to the internal CM repository (useful during development/debugging)
- Returns:
(python class) with the following vars –
path (str): path to CM repositories and index file
full_path_to_repos (str): path to CM repositories
path_to_internal_repo (str): path to the internal CM repository
full_path_to_repo_paths (str): full path to repos.json
lst (list): list of initialized CM repository classes
- delete(lst, remove_all=False, console=False, force=False)[source]
Delete CM repository or repositories with or without content
- Parameters:
lst (list of CM repository classes) – list of CM repositories
remove_all (bool) – if True, remove the content and unregister CM repository
console (bool) – if True, output some info to console
force (bool) – if True, do not ask questions
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
- init(alias, uid, path='', console=False, desc='', prefix='', only_register=False)[source]
Init CM repository in a given path
- Parameters:
alias (str) – CM repository alias
uid (str) – CM repository UID
(path) (str) – local path to a given repository (otherwise use $HOME/CM/repos)
(desc) (str) – optional repository description
(prefix) (str) – sub-directory to be used inside this CM repository to store artifacts
(only_register) (bool) – if True, only register path in the CM index of repositories but do not recreate cmr.yaml
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
meta (dict): meta of the CM repository
path_to_repo (str): path to repository
path_to_repo_desc (str): path to repository description
path_to_repo_with_prefix (str): path to repository with prefix (== path_to_repo if prefix == “”)
(warnings) (list of str): warnings to install more CM repositories
- load(init=False)[source]
Load or initialize repos.json file with repositories
- Parameters:
init (bool) – if False do not init individual CM repositories
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
- process(repo_path, mode='add')[source]
Add or delete CM repository
- Parameters:
repo_path (str) – path to CM repository
(mode) (str) – “add” (default) or “delete”
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
(warnings) (list of str): warnings to install more CM repositories
- pull(alias, url='', branch='', checkout='', _dir='', console=False, desc='', prefix='', depth=None, path_to_repo=None, checkout_only=False, skip_zip_parent_dir=False, extra_cmd_git='', extra_cmd_pip='', new_branch='')[source]
Clone or pull CM repository
- Parameters:
alias (str) – CM repository alias
(url) (str) – Git repository URL
(branch) (str) – Git repository branch
(new_branch) (str) – Create new branch
(checkout) (str) – Git repository checkout
(checkout_only) (bool) – only checkout existing repo
(_dir) (str) – use repository in this directory
(depth) (int) – Git repository depth
(console) (bool) – if True, print some info to console
(desc) (str) – optional repository description
(prefix) (str) – sub-directory to be used inside this CM repository to store artifacts
(path_to_repo) (str) – force path to repo (useful to pull imported repos with non-standard path)
(checkout_only) (bool) – only checkout Git repository but don’t pull
(skip_zip_parent_dir) (bool) – skip parent dir in CM ZIP repo (useful when downloading CM repo archives from GitHub)
(extra_cmd_git) (str) – add this string to git clone
(extra_cmd_pip) (str) – add this string to pip install when installing requirements from CM repositories
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
(meta) (dict): meta of the CM repository
(warnings) (list of str): warnings to install more CM repositories
cmind.utils module
- cmind.utils.assemble_cm_object(alias, uid)[source]
Assemble CM object string from alias and uid strings
- Parameters:
alias (str) – CM artifact alias
uid (str) – CM artifact UID
- Returns:
(str) CM object (alias,uid)
- cmind.utils.assemble_cm_object1(cm_dict)[source]
Assemble CM object string from dictionary with ‘alias’ and ‘uid’ keys
- Parameters:
cm_dict (dict) – dictionary with CM artifact keys (‘alias’, ‘uid’)
- Returns:
(str) CM object (alias,uid)
- cmind.utils.assemble_cm_object2(cm_obj)[source]
Assemble CM object string from tuple
- Parameters:
cm_obj (tuple) – CM object tuple (alias, uid)
- Returns:
(str) CM object (alias,uid)
- cmind.utils.call_internal_module(module_self, path_to_current_module, module_name, module_func, i)[source]
Call CM function from internal submodule
- Parameters:
path_to_current_module (obj) – must be __file__
module_name (str) – module name
module_func (str) – module function
i (dict) – CM input. Note that i[‘self_module’] = self from calling module will be added to the input
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
- cmind.utils.check_and_create_dir(path)[source]
Create directories if path doesn’t exist. (from the CK framework).
- Parameters:
path (str) – path
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
- cmind.utils.check_if_none_false_no_off(env, key)[source]
Universal check if str(env.get(key, ‘’)).lower() in [‘false’, ‘no’, ‘off’]:
- Parameters:
env (dict) – dictionary
key (str) – key
- Returns:
True if str(env.get(key, ‘’)).lower() in [‘false’, ‘no’, ‘off’]
- cmind.utils.check_if_true_yes_on(env, key)[source]
Universal check if str(env.get(key, ‘’)).lower() in [‘true’, ‘yes’, ‘on’]:
- Parameters:
env (dict) – dictionary
key (str) – key
- Returns:
True if str(env.get(key, ‘’)).lower() in [‘true’, ‘yes’, ‘on’]
- cmind.utils.compare_versions(version1, version2)[source]
Compare versions
- Parameters:
version1 (str) – version 1
version2 (str) – version 2
- Returns:
comparison (int) –
- 1 - version 1 > version 2
0 - version 1 == version 2
-1 - version 1 < version 2
- cmind.utils.convert_dictionary(d, key, sub=True)[source]
Grigori added to gradually clean up very complex “cm docker scrpit” implementation
Convert dictionary into flat dictionary with key prefix
- Example input:
d = {‘cfg’:True, ‘no-cache’:True} key = ‘docker’ sub = True
- Example output:
d = {‘docker_cfg’: True, ‘docker_no_cache’: True}
- Parameters:
d (dict) – dictionary
key (str) – key
- Returns:
True if str(env.get(key, ‘’)).lower() in [‘false’, ‘no’, ‘off’]
- cmind.utils.convert_env_to_dict(s)[source]
Create sub-input from the input using list of keys
- Parameters:
s (str) – string with env
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
(dict): dictionary
- cmind.utils.convert_tags_to_list(i)[source]
Convert string tags to list
- Parameters:
(CM input dict)
(tags) (str)
- Returns:
tags_list (list) – list of tags
- cmind.utils.copy_to_clipboard(i)[source]
Copy string to a clipboard
- Parameters:
string (str) – string to copy to a clipboard
(add_quotes) (bool) – add quotes to the string in a clipboard
(skip_fail) (bool) – if True, do not fail
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
- cmind.utils.debug_here(module_path, host='localhost', port=5678, text='', env={}, env_debug_uid='')[source]
- cmind.utils.decompose_cm_obj(cm_obj)[source]
Decompose CM object into dictionary
- Parameters:
cm_obj (CM object)
- Returns:
- (dict)
artifact (str) name (str) name_alias (str) name_uid (str) repo (str) repo_alias (str) repo_uid (str)
- cmind.utils.digits(s, first=True)[source]
Get first digits and convert to int
- Parameters:
s (str) – string (“1.3+xyz”)
first (bool) – if True, choose only first digits, otherwise all
- Returns:
(int) – returns int from first digits or 0
- cmind.utils.dump_safe_json(i)[source]
Dump safe JSON
- Parameters:
(CM input dict) – input to dump to console
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
meta (dict): only “safe” values left (that can be serialized)
- cmind.utils.filter_tags(tags)[source]
Filter tags (remove starting with -)
- Parameters:
tags (list) – list of tags
- Returns:
(list) list of filtered tags
- cmind.utils.find_api(file_name, func)[source]
Find automation action API in a Python module
- Parameters:
file_name (str) – Python module
func (str) – automation action name
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
api (str): API
- cmind.utils.find_file_in_current_directory_or_above(file_names, path_to_start=None, reverse=False, path_to_stop=None)[source]
Find file(s) in the current directory or above.
- Parameters:
file_names (list) – files to find
(path_to_start) (str) – path to start; use current directory if None
(reverse) (bool) – if True search recursively in current directory and below.
(path_to_stop) (str) – path to stop search (usually path to found repo)
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
found (bool): True if found
path_to_file (str): full path to found file
path (str): path where found file is
- cmind.utils.find_file_in_dir_and_above(filename, path='')[source]
Find file in the current directory or above
- Parameters:
filename (str)
path (str)
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
path (str): path where file is found
path_to_file (str): path to file
- cmind.utils.gen_tmp_file(i)[source]
Generate temporary files
- Parameters:
(CM input dict) – (suffix) (str): temp file suffix (prefix) (str): temp file prefix (remove_dir) (bool): if True, remove dir
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
file_name (str): temp file name
- cmind.utils.gen_uid()[source]
Generate CM UID.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
uid (str): CM UID
- cmind.utils.get_current_date_time(i)[source]
Get current date and time.
- Parameters:
(CM input dict) –
(timezone) (str): timezone in pytz format: “Europe/Paris”
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
array (dict); dict with date and time
date_year (str)
date_month (str)
date_day (str)
time_hour (str)
time_minute (str)
time_second (str)
iso_datetime (str): date and time in ISO format
- cmind.utils.get_disk_use(path='/', console=False)[source]
Get disk space
- Parameters:
console (bool) – if True, print to console
- Returns:
total (int) total_gb (float) used (int) used_gb (float) free (int) free_gb (float)
- cmind.utils.get_list_from_cli(i, key)[source]
Get list from CM command line.
- Parameters:
i (dict) – CM input dict
key (str) – key to get
- Returns:
tags (list) – list of tags for a given key
- cmind.utils.get_memory_use(console=False)[source]
Get memory usage
- Parameters:
console (bool) – if True, print to console
- Returns:
memory_use (int) memory_use_gb (float) available_memory (int) available_memory_gb (float) total_memory (int) total_memory_gb (float)
- cmind.utils.get_set(meta, key, state, keys)[source]
Get value from dict and update in another dict
- Parameters:
meta (dict) – original dict
key (str) – key to get value from original dict
state (dict) – target dict
keys (list) – list of keys to set value in target dict
- Returns:
(Python object) – value from original dict or None
- cmind.utils.get_value_from_dict_with_flat_key(key, d)[source]
Get value from dict via flat key (x.y.z)
- cmind.utils.is_cm_uid(obj)[source]
Check if a string is a valid CM UID.
- Parameters:
obj (str) – CM alias or UID
- Returns:
(bool) – True if valid CM UID 16 hex characters
- cmind.utils.is_file_json_or_yaml(file_name)[source]
Is file JSON or YAML?
- Parameters:
(CM input dict)
file_name (str) – path to file without extension
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
is_file (bool): if True, there is a file with YAML and/or JSON extension
- cmind.utils.list_all_files(i)[source]
List all files recursively in a given directory. (from the CK framework).
- Parameters:
(CM input dict)
path (str) – top level path
(file_name) (str) – search for a specific file name
(pattern) (str) – return only files with this pattern
(path_ext) (str) – path extension (needed for recursion)
(limit) (str) – limit number of files (if directories with a large number of files)
(number) (int) – current number of files
(all) (str) – if ‘yes’ do not ignore special directories (like .cm)
(ignore_names) (list) – list of names to ignore
(ignore_symb_dirs) (str) – if ‘yes’, ignore symbolically linked dirs (to avoid recursion such as in LLVM)
(add_path) (str)
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
- list (dict): dictionary of all files:
{“file_with_full_path”:{“size”:.., “path”:..}
number (int): (internal) total number of files in a current directory (needed for recursion)
- cmind.utils.load_bin(file_name)[source]
Load binary file.
- Parameters:
(CM input dict)
file_name (str) – file name
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
bin (bytes): file content
- cmind.utils.load_json(file_name, check_if_exists=False, encoding='utf8')[source]
Load JSON file.
- Parameters:
(CM input dict)
file_name (str) – file name
(check_if_exists) (bool) – if True, fail if doesn’t exist
(encoding) (str) – file encoding (‘utf8’ by default)
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
meta (dict): meta from the file
- cmind.utils.load_json_or_yaml(file_name, check_if_exists=False, encoding='utf8')[source]
Attempt to load file as JSON or YAML.
- Parameters:
(CM input dict)
file_name (str) – file name that has either JSON or YAML extension
(check_if_exists) (bool) – if True, fail if doesn’t exist
(encoding) (str) – file encoding (‘utf8’ by default)
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
meta (dict): merged meta of found file(s)
- cmind.utils.load_python_module(i)[source]
Load python module
- Parameters:
(CM input dict) – path (str): path to a python module name (str): Python module name (without .py)
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
- cmind.utils.load_txt(file_name, encoding='utf8', remove_after_read=False, check_if_exists=False, split=False, match_text='', fail_if_no_match='', debug=False)[source]
Load text file.
- Parameters:
(CM input dict)
file_name (str) – file name
(encoding) (str) – file encoding (‘utf8’ by default)
(remove_after_read) (bool) – if True, remove file after read (False by default)
(check_if_exists) (bool) – If True, check if file exists and return CM error instead of raising error (False by default)
(split) (bool) – If True, split string into list (False by default)
(match_text) (str) – Regular expression to match text (useful for version detection)
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
string (str): string from file
- cmind.utils.load_yaml(file_name, check_if_exists=False, encoding='utf8')[source]
Load YAML file.
- Parameters:
(CM input dict)
file_name (str) – file name
(check_if_exists) (bool) – if True, fail if doesn’t exist
(encoding) (str) – file encoding (‘utf8’ by default)
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
meta (dict): meta from the file
- cmind.utils.load_yaml_and_json(file_name_without_ext, check_if_exists=False, encoding='utf8')[source]
Load YAML file if exists then JSON file if exists and merge with the first one
- Parameters:
(CM input dict)
file_name_without_ext (str) – file name without extension (to check yaml and then json)
(check_if_exists) (bool) – if True, fail if doesn’t exist
(encoding) (str) – file encoding (‘utf8’ by default)
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
meta (dict): merged meta of found file(s)
- cmind.utils.match_objects(uid, alias, uid2, alias2, more_strict=False)[source]
Check if 2 CM objects match. Used to search CM artifacts in CM repositories.
281d5c3e3f69d8e7,* == 281d5c3e3f69d8e7,*
281d5c3e3f69d8e7,os == ,os
,os == 281d5c3e3f69d8e7,os
,* != 281d5c3e3f69d8e7,*
- Parameters:
- uid (str) – artifact UID
alias (str) – atifact alias that can’t have wildcards [real CM object]
uid2 (str) – atifact 2 UID
alias2 (str)
(more_strict) (bool): if True, then ,os != 281d5c3e3f69d8e7, [needed to check automation]
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
match (bool): True if 2 CM objects match (uid and/or alias)
- cmind.utils.merge_dicts(i)[source]
Merge intelligently dict1 with dict2 key by key in contrast with dict1.update(dict2)
It can merge sub-dictionaries and lists instead of substituting them
- Parameters:
(CM input dict)
dict1 (dict) – merge this dict with dict2 (will be directly modified!)
dict2 (dict) – dict to be merged
(append_lists) (bool) – if True, append lists instead of creating the new ones
(append_unique) (bool) – if True, append lists when value doesn’t exists in the original one
(ignore_keys) (list) – ignore keys
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
dict1 (dict): dict1 passed through the function
- cmind.utils.parse_cm_object(obj, max_length=2, decompose=False)[source]
Parse CM object in string and return tuple of CM objects.
CM sub-object = UID | alias | alias,UID | UID,alias
repo CM sub-object | CM sub-object
cm os
cm 281d5c3e3f69d8e7
cm os,281d5c3e3f69d8e7
cm 281d5c3e3f69d8e7,os
cm octoml@mlops,os
cm octoml@mlops,dbfa91645e429380:os,281d5c3e3f69d8e7
cm dbfa91645e429380:281d5c3e3f69d8e7
- Parameters:
obj (str) – CM object
(max_length) (int)
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
- cm_object (list): first element: CM alias | UID
(second element: CM repo | UID)
- cmind.utils.process_input(i, update_input=True)[source]
Process automation, artifact and artifacts from i[‘control’]
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- cmind.utils.process_meta_for_inheritance(i)[source]
Check CM meta description for inheritance and update it if needed (“_base”:”automation::artifact”).
- Parameters:
(CM input dict)
automation (str) – CM automation
meta (dict) – original meta
cmind (obj) – initialized CM to search for base artifacts
(base_recursion) (int) – track recursion during inheritance
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
meta (dict): final meta description wihhout _base
- cmind.utils.rm_read_only(f, p, e)[source]
Internal aux function to remove files and dirs even if read only particularly on Windows
- cmind.utils.safe_float(i, d)[source]
Get safe float (useful for sorting function)
- Parameters:
i (any) – variable with any type
d (float) – default value
- Returns:
(float) – returns i if it can be converted to float or d otherwise
- cmind.utils.safe_int(i, d)[source]
Get safe int (useful for sorting function)
- Parameters:
i (any) – variable with any type
d (int) – default value
- Returns:
(int) – returns i if it can be converted to int, or d otherwise
- cmind.utils.safe_load_json(path, file_name='', encoding='utf8')[source]
Load JSON file if exists, otherwise return empty dict
- Parameters:
(CM input dict)
file_name (str) – file name
(encoding) (str) – file encoding (‘utf8’ by default)
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
meta (dict): meta from the file
- cmind.utils.save_json(file_name, meta={}, indent=2, sort_keys=True, encoding='utf8')[source]
Save meta to JSON file.
- Parameters:
(CM input dict)
file_name (str) – file name
meta (dict) – meta to save
(indent) (int) – 2 by default
(sort_keys) (bool) – if True, sort keys
(encoding) (str) – file encoding (‘utf8’ by default)
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
- cmind.utils.save_json_or_yaml(file_name, meta, sort_keys=False, encoding='utf8')[source]
Save meta to either JSON or YAML file.
- Parameters:
(CM input dict)
file_name (str) – file name that has either JSON or YAML extension
meta (dict) – meta to save
(sort_keys) (bool) – if True, sort keys
(encoding) (str) – file encoding (‘utf8’ by default)
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
- cmind.utils.save_txt(file_name, string='', encoding='utf8')[source]
Save string to text file.
- Parameters:
(CM input dict)
file_name (str) – file name
string (str) – string to save
(encoding) (str) – file encoding (‘utf8’ by default)
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
- cmind.utils.save_yaml(file_name, meta={}, sort_keys=True, encoding='utf8')[source]
Save meta to YAML file.
- Parameters:
(CM input dict)
file_name (str) – file name
meta (dict) – meta to save
(sort_keys) (bool) – if True, sort keys
(encoding) (str) – file encoding (‘utf8’ by default)
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
- cmind.utils.sub_input(i, keys, reverse=False)[source]
Create sub-input from the input using list of keys
- Parameters:
i (dict) – input
keys (list) – keys not to add if reverse if True
reverse (bool) – either add or skip keys
- Returns:
(dict) – sub-input
- cmind.utils.substitute_template(template, variables)[source]
Substitutes variables in a template string with values from a dictionary.
- Parameters:
template (str) – The template string with placeholders (e.g., “something-{var1}-something-{var2}”).
vars (dict) – A dictionary containing variable-value pairs (e.g., {‘var1’: ‘a’, ‘var2’: ‘b’}).
- Returns:
str – The template string with placeholders replaced by the corresponding values.
- cmind.utils.tags_matched(tags, and_tags, no_tags)[source]
Check if AND tags and NO tags match tags
- Parameters:
tags (list of str) – full list of tags
and_tags (list of str) – list of AND tags
no_tags (list of str) – list of NO tags
- Returns:
True if tags matched
- cmind.utils.update_dict_if_empty(d, key, value)[source]
Update dictionary if “key” is empty
- Parameters:
d (dict) – dict to check
key (str)
value – if d[key] is empty, set to this value
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0
- cmind.utils.update_dict_with_flat_key(key, value, d)[source]
Update dictionary via flat key (x.y.z)
- cmind.utils.update_yaml(file_name, meta={}, encoding='utf8')[source]
Update yaml file directly (unsafe - only first keys)
- Parameters:
(CM input dict) – file_name (str): YAML file name meta (dict): keys to update (encoding) (str): file encoding (‘utf8’ by default)
- Returns:
(CM return dict) –
return (int): return code == 0 if no error and >0 if error
(error) (str): error string if return>0